Comparing and Contrasting eBay and Amazon Websites. Paper Example

Published: 2023-08-08
8 min read

A website can be defined as a collection of related pages with a common domain name. Shopping websites, for instance, have the related content of selling and making transactions to customers either through online orders or over-the-counter transactions. This paper presents the comparison and contrast of two shopping websites known as eBay and Amazon, their proximity, competitive nature, and accompanying graphics of the same for further illustration.

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eBay is an incorporated electronic commerce business that was founded in 1995. It serves as a multinational and is based in California. eBay is widely known for its auctions and also a consumer to consumer sales. Also, popularly known as an open platform for online traders to use as a channel of getting into contact with the target market for their products or sales. However, it is not free since the listing fee is associated with having a merchant's account at their web pages. eBay deals with almost everything that a consumer may desire to place an order for. This is from households, beauty products, fitness trackers, mobile phones, video games, machinery and motor vehicles, and stationeries, among others (Yang et al., 2017). A customer can place an order either locally by entering the Zipcode or even by checking for items available internationally. Consumers complement eBay for its proximity to security, incredibility, user-friendliness, anti-fraud systems, and advanced search engines.


Amazon is one of the big four incorporated conglomerate technology corporations located in Seattle. It is majorly focused on digital streaming, electronic commerce, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing with up to eight forty thousand employees. Amazon sells a variety of items such as beauty products and cosmetics, clothing and jewelry, computers, movies, books, and other stationeries, motor vehicles, bicycles, household items, and gymnasia staff among others. Amazon’s strength lies in its knowledge of what their customer needs are. Immediately after getting into the search site, the cookie feature leads them directly to the recommendations and reviews of users of the same product the new customer may be looking for (Skalicky & Crossley 2015).

Examples of staff sold on Amazon

Comparison between eBay and Amazon

Both eBay and Amazon are e-commerce platforms that have web pages to display their products and reach out to their customers. They are both multinational incorporated companies dealing in a variety of items ranging from foodstuff to cosmetics and clothing. eBay and Amazon have personalized customer strategies that enable them to maintain their customers on the consumption and purchase of their items. They are both affiliates. Amazon and eBay enable other merchants to create a channel to sell their merchandise to their customers directly through the platforms. eBay is popularly known to have an end to end encryption against fraudsters, and so is Amazon.

Examples of the similarity between and

Contrasting eBay and Amazon websites is a retail website, whereas eBay is a wholesaler. I.e., the retailer's main reason for existence is to sell products to a broader market at a reasonable price. In contrast, a wholesaler sells at the lowest price to the retailers who in turn sell to consumers directly. In other words,'s model of business gives customers less control compared to eBay. makes its customers choose from the pricing models; fixed or auction format. Amazon, on the other side, only has a fixed pricing format for its customers. Under control, Amazon creates the product description for customers, whereas eBay lets buyers create for themselves the product description to place their orders. is more automated and hence consumes less of the merchants' time when selling through the website's platforms while features are not automated, and this requires more time and attention from merchants. On fee structures, charges their merchants monthly rate for listing their products while allows free listing and then takes a cut after a sale is made (Xiao 2016).


A website can be defined as a collection of related pages with a common domain name. Shopping websites, for instance, have the related content of selling and making transactions to customers either through online orders or over-the-counter transactions. eBay is an incorporated electronic commerce business that was founded in 1995. It serves as a multinational and is based in California. eBay is widely known for auctions and also a c to c sales. Also, popularly known as an open platform for online traders to use as a channel of getting into contact with the target market for their products or sales. Amazon is one of the big four incorporated conglomerate technology corporations located in Seattle. It is majorly focused on digital streaming, electronic commerce, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing. The two are commonly known to be e-commerce platforms, having a major difference in the fee structure, business model, and type of incorporation in that is a retail website whereas is a wholesaler.


Skalicky, S., & Crossley, S. (2015). A statistical analysis of satirical Amazon. Com product reviews. The European Journal of Humour Research, 2(3), 66-85. Retrieved from

Xiao, Q. (2016). Managing e-commerce platform quality and its performance implication: A multiple-group structural model comparison. Journal of Internet Commerce, 15(2), 142-162. Retrieved from

Yang, F., Kale, A., Bubnov, Y., Stein, L., Wang, Q., Kiapour, H., & Piramuthu, R. (2017, August). Visual search at eBay. In Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 2101-2110). Retrieved from

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Comparing and Contrasting eBay and Amazon Websites. Paper Example. (2023, Aug 08). Retrieved from

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