Conflict Management - Free Paper Example

Published: 2023-11-06
Conflict Management - Free Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Personal experience Conflict resolution Conflict management Communication skills
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 686 words
6 min read


Interpersonal conflicts, intergroup conflicts, and functional conflicts occur because of differences in people’s beliefs, values, ideas, opinions, and objectives. These issues arise in everyday life since they are part of human nature. I have experienced different types of conflicts that have enhanced my understanding of how to manage and resolve them. The most recent scenario where I encountered this problem was my interaction with a team member who could not believe that I was capable of giving orders. In this regard, my friends had organized a ten-member group discussion to further the team's thinking of nursing practices through the collaborative exchange of ideas. I was responsible for developing and implementing guidelines that would ensure that the team reaches its end goal. At one point, I argued with a member who claimed that I did not know what I was doing as a group leader because I was the youngest person in the group. It took the intervention of the entire team for this individual to understand that I was capable of giving orders and implementing the group's rules to achieve its goals.

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Ineffective Communication Behaviors

The two major behaviors of infective communication that occurred in the case scenario were fidgeting and using words that create unnecessary distractions. Hanke (2010) identified these two elements in addition to a lack of enthusiasm and clarity as to the major factors that hinder effective communication. Fidgeting could not help resolve the interpersonal conflict that occurred because it portrayed me as a nervous, agitated, and frustrated individual. Hence, the other person developed a perception that I was not ready to pay attention to his concerns. I also used unnecessary words like “so, what do you want?” The second person reacted to such phrases emotionally, suggesting that they were infective in resolving the conflict. In this note, Spiridonov (2017) said recognizing the principles of effective communication helps healthcare professionals develop collaborative working relationships. Strategies, objectives, and obstacles in communication are aspects that these professionals should understand (Spiridonov, 2017).

Assertiveness in Communication

Being assertive rather than aggressive is essential in solving conflicts. In this case, assertive communication helps avoid emotional reactions that can trigger disagreements. I could have been more assertive in addressing the problem if I had considered a few things. Importantly, here is that I should have clarified the issue, specified my request, and explained consequences for violating the group's rules. According to Killam (2013), doing so is the first step towards having a responsible, assertive, and caring communication. When describing the problem, I need to be concise, clear, and non-judgmental to avoid confusing the other person.

Specifying behavior change that I ought to see as a group leader could have enhanced our relationship and, accordingly, have an assertive engagement. Here, articulating why the act is a problem and requesting a change could have helped solve the disagreement. Killam (2013) said that offering positive consequences of behavior change and a few negative implications of an individual’s conduct empowers one to be assertive. Another strategy is replacing “you” statements with “I” to avoid emotional reactions from the second person. Together, these aspects would have helped solve the problem by having an assertive interpersonal communication.


The type of conflict that I experienced in this scenario is interpersonal conflict because it involved two separate individuals. Team members intervened to help solve this problem, which arose from suppositions, not reality. Isa (2015) said that small conflicts within groups could grow to major issues; thus, an assumption that such problems can disappear is inaccurate.


Hanke, S. (2010, July 7). Stop communicating ineffectively [Video]. YouTube.

Isa, A. A. (2015). Conflicts in organizations: Causes and consequences. Journal of Educational Policy and Entrepreneurial Research (JEPER), 2(11), 54-59.

Killam, L. (2013, January 28). Assertive communication for better relationships [Video]. YouTube.

Spiridonov, S. I. (2017). Causes for ineffective communication between medical specialists. Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers), 23(3), 1623-1626.

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