Essay Sample - Considering the Color-line

Published: 2019-09-24
Essay Sample - Considering the Color-line
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Racism Culture Discrimination United States
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 701 words
6 min read

Defining people on basis of race has long been a part of American culture and, in a time where there are numerous calls for equality, the issue still holds roots in most of Americas societal aspects. In America, being black though it is politically incorrect to say is a problem just like in old days asserted by how Du Bois a civil rights activist refers to himself. However, in these modern times racism is not only subjected to the blacks but Latinos and Asians too which have led to some political figures affirming their campaigns on chasing them out of America. The ideology of people of color being a problem for the American people was part of DU Bois teachings especially in the first chapter of our spiritual striving when he addresses himself as a problem and how people would treat him differently. They approach me in a half-hesitant sort of way, eye me curiously or compassionately, and then, instead of saying directly, How does it feel to be a problem? (Du Bois, 1903).

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In the modern world with justice and equality as the pillar stone of humanity, the legislative arm of the government still comes up with policies discriminating against people of color. Racial profiling is a common practice by the police in the US but the Congress has not been able to come up with policies protecting people of color against it. Just like in Du Bois second chapter of the dawn of freedom which describes black people struggle for freedom during the slavery era compares to modern day struggle against racial profiling particularly by the police. Throughout history, blacks were used as weapons which were a clear of exploitation and it is represented by today's gender disparity in the justice system. It was a phase of this problem that caused the Civil War, and however much they who marched South and North in 1861 Negro slavery was the real cause of the conflict. The number of stiff penalties being passed down to people of color compared to white Americans such as death penalties is clearly a representation of exploitation just as predicted in Du Bois teaching (Du Bois, 2009). Racism has proved to be one of the American challenges today. For instance, there exists discrimination fully when it comes to the education system where there are schools meant specifically for the white and others for the black people which means that there are schools people of color cannot be allowed in to. The white schools are well monitored with good security system unlike those associated with blacks. In most teachers institutes, the whites are given lectures at their convenient time and in most cases in the morning when they are less tired, they are always given picnic now and then to comfort them and make them stress-free (Gillborn, 2008). But nobody is ever concerned about the black teachers. When it comes to hunting of country school, it turns out to be the real challenge for the blacks. They are forced to tarmac for a long duration of time before a vacancy in these schools and sometimes they are at long last forced to join inferior little schools.

Just as Du Bois fourth chapter of the meaning of progress where he had to look for a school far from his place since no place would accept a black teacher is represented by modern day schools which are categorized by the color of the teachers. "Sprinkled over hill and dale lay cabins and farmhouses, shut out from the world by the forests and the rolling hills toward the east. There I found, at last, a little school." (Du Bois, 1999).

Racial discrimination is real in America; it has been part of the basic societal concepts that is politics, social and legal system. Some of the most basic issues are the discrimination in the education system, the justice system and politics which even though unlike earlier days such as Du Bois expresses there are efforts to deal with them in modern days.


Du Bois, W. E. B. (1903). Of Our Spiritual Strivings (pp. 28-33).Du Bois, W. E. B. (1903). Of the Dawn of Freedom. Penguin.

Gillborn, D. (2008). Racism and education: Coincidence or conspiracy?. Routledge.

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