Contributions of Arabs to European Civilization - Essay Sample

Published: 2024-01-15
Contributions of Arabs to European Civilization - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  History
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 678 words
6 min read

Civilization is an advanced human society’s state containing highly established forms of culture, industry, government, as well as standard social norms. Anthropologists, historians, along with other researchers, have identified various main cartelistic of civilization. Some of the commonly suggested features include irrigation, craftmanship technology, state government, agricultural manipulation along with storage, urban centers, and written language (Salloum). Other characteristics include standards of measurements, social stratification, shared culture, and ideological outlook or shared religion. Written language plays a vital role in uniting individuals and allowing them to communicate their ideas with others. This paper discusses the contributions of Arabs to European civilization along with the reason Western European Renaissance occur first in northern Italy.

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The period between the seventh, as well as thirteenth centuries, dent a historical period when learning and culture flourished in Europe (Salloum). When an individual sets aside the fancies of politics, mistrust, suspicion, and intrigue which have plagues in the history of man, it can be found that the Arabs linger to spin out the earliest thread recorded for civilization. It enhanced as well as developed the arts plus sciences along with preserving the libraries of Greek, Byzantine, and Roman cultures’ early centuries (Salloum). Discoveries made in arts and sciences which enhanced the condition as well as the life of a man, along with several contributions made by Arabs are the integral share of human civilization.

The purpose of architecture in early Arabs was to deify Islam. Architects devoted their knowledge and skills to the construction of mausoleums and mosques (Salloum). They rented the gymkhana arch from Romans, and they developed it to their unique style, making it an illustration for European’s architecture. The Ibn Tulun Mosque in Cairo inspired Europeans to build several magnificent cathedrals. The Muslin minaret that Greek-inspired became the belfry in Europe.

Through cultivation, cotton was introduced to the European market. The contribution of Arabs to the production of food are legion (Salloum). They managed to graft one vine to produce grapes in different colors, where their vineyards were accountable for wine industries’ future in Europe. Arab soldiers transplanted apricot, loquat, and peach trees in Southern Europe. Concerning the contribution of Arabs to engineering, once can consider cisterns, water wells at static levels, water wheels, along with the water clock that Arabs established in Europe (Salloum). Since ancient Arabs used to believe that arts played a role in serving Creator, small scale arteries were raised to novel levels of perfection.

The reason why Western European Renaissance occur first in northern Italy is connected to geography (Gunnell). Italy’s city-state that was positioned on the sea of Mediterranean were trade as well as commercial centers, which were the primary harbor of call for goods as well as new ideas. Secondly, Italy was considered as the fundamental of the earlier Roman Empire, plus, at the Byzantine empire’s collapse in 1453, converted the asylum for the Constantinople’s intellectuals who brought several great exertions of the ancient Romans and Greeks effort that was banished to the West in the Dark Ages (Gunnell). Before this, learners in Italy examined the ancient work; nevertheless, they were incomplete and of poor quality. The third motive was political issues (Gunnell). Due to different political machinations, the Holy Roman Territory had fundamentally lost authority to northern Italy, and unlike leading families ruled the states of papal in each region, plus the Naples city dominated the South.

In conclusion, civilization brings many and new this to a country or people withing a society. Their past change and people start implementing new things as they learn from others. Due to Arabs contribution, new things were identified in Europe, which contributed to their civilization. The reasons that made Western European Renaissance occur first in northern Italy was political issues, prime locations, and refuge of scholars.

Works Cited

Gunnell, Noreen. Why Is Italy Birthplace of the Renaissance? 21 Oct. 2016,

Salloum, Habeeb. “Part 1: The Impact of The Arabs On Western Civilization.” Arab America, 18 July 2017,

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