Paper Example. Correctional Support

Published: 2023-04-05
Paper Example. Correctional Support
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Criminal law Judicial system Criminal justice Emotional intelligence
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 613 words
6 min read

Over the years, crime victims faced a devastating quagmire on how to curb unexpected challenges and difficult situations. Confused and stunned, crime victims have been rendered with no option or ideas to tackle property loss, injuries, fear, and anger. However, studies show a solution how to help the crime victim and increase public safety. One of the ways of handling this problem is to provide support and information to allow crime victims to make crucial decisions. Thus, there is a need to empower victims of crime as the justice system aids to facilitate their healing process. In that regard, the victim seeks help and solutions from their victim advocates (Alekseeva & Logvinova, 2019). The advocate helps in determining how, where, why, what, and when to move. Ideally, advocates comprise paid and unpaid facility providers hired from different backgrounds to help crime victims concerning emotional, physical, financial, social, and spiritual needs.

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Community and Individual Efforts

Prevention efforts cover evidence-based decisions that are combined with experiential and contextual evidence from field-based practices and community data that helps individuals and the community. One of the aims of these programs and efforts is to reduce crime. Evidence-based bodies elucidate the success of crime prevention in promoting safety and reducing crime. Efforts are cost-effective. In essence, the efforts are aided in reducing the cost the victim of crime spends and the functioning costs of the criminal justice system (Patterson, 2018). Since public support is one of the most effective public policies, it has continued to grow and can be seen in many areas. Individuals and the community enjoy an increased quality of life as a result of the reduction of fear of crime. By having a reduced fear of crime, the property values increase leading to a higher quality of life.

Evidence-Based Practice

The idea of having an evidence-based practice is responsible, balanced, and objective use of the best available data and current studies to guide the practice decisions and policy to improve the outcomes for consumers. An evidence-based strategy entails an ongoing critical review of research literature that aims at providing credible information and effective practices and policies based on the best available evidence (Patterson, 2018). The concepts of this approach are to cover three interchangeable terms is namely elucidate the evidence must be measurable, should have a definable outcome, and evidenced-based practice must comply with practical realities such as victim satisfaction and recidivism. Evidence-based practice and policy aimed at reducing the risks of the offenders, which leads to enhance public safety and lowers crime.


Recidivism refers to a person with perpetual conduct who can make possible drift back into previous behaviors stemming from criminal activities. In other words, recidivism is an individual who continues to do and is often released and taken back in prison once again. The relapse into criminal behaviors is measured based on the return to prison, re-conviction, and re-arrest. Community rehabilitation efforts can affect recidivism without tackling the core problems that affect the people who commit these problems. Community rehabilitation efforts affect recidivism based on their temporary outcome of reducing individuals' wrongdoings. Community rehabilitation efforts reduce the burden on taxpayers, families, incarceration systems, and communities (Alekseeva & Logvinova, 2019). Investing in these efforts aims at people returning to their communities motivated and equipped to contribute to community sustainability. The community rehabilitation process gives the crime victim a second chance and prioritizes them.


Alekseeva, M., & Logvinova, I. (2019). The role of psychological support in the system of correctional development learning. CONFERENCE MATERIALS.

Patterson, G. T. (2018). Implementing Evidence-Based Practices and Principles With Criminal Justice Populations. Clinical Interventions in Criminal Justice Settings, 155-176.

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Paper Example. Correctional Support. (2023, Apr 05). Retrieved from

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