Corrective Action - Paper Sample

Published: 2024-01-11
Corrective Action - Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Company Psychology Behavior Social issue
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 599 words
5 min read


Corrective action involves two functional elements that include people and work. Taking corrective action is unpleasant because it involves taking critical actions against negative behaviors such as safety violations, theft, and equipment abuse. Corrective action is used in addressing issues pertaining to non-conformity within an organization. There are various ways in which problem behaviors can be experienced.

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Company's Property

One of the problem behaviors involves taking a company's property. As highlighted by Manning & Kurtis (2019), taking an organizations' property involves both employees and employers. There are many ways in which employers are engaged in behavioral problems. In organizations, there are many business trips that are planned annually. The business trips involve the use of cars, and in some instances, companies are forced to hire vehicles. Hiring vehicles is often considered an expensive alternative. Employers take insurance covers for their benefits without minding the employees' state. In a majority of the companies, employees are only insured against injuries. Employers offer themselves full medical covers and only pay 85 percent of medical covers for the employees.

Company managers combine business trips with leisure. On the front one, the total amount of money budgeted for business trips always includes entertainment. Whilst employers are left most of them with no monthly salary to cater to their needs. Skimming is one of the most experience activities associated with managers (Manning & Kurtis, 2019). Funds are often diverted for a non-business purpose. In business, managers tend to increase the prices of products to benefit from the profits. Managers use profits for their gains, which later negatively affects the business. There are various corrective actions that are taken to address such situations.

Organizations' Core Values

Establish the organizations' core values is one of the steps for taking corrective action. Core values play a significant role in that they define and paint an organizations' ethos. When dealing with internal matters, it is important to emphasize three aspects. The three aspects include distribution, interaction, and procedure. Distribution involves rewards for performance and punishments associated with different levels of crime. Interaction focus on the treatment of employees with a specified organization (Silva & Caetano, 2014). The interaction also instills respect and dignity between the employees and employers. The procedure helps in knowing if justice was practiced in a just manner. The three aspects ensure that organizations' problem behaviors are handled accordingly.

Developing an appeal process is another way to reduce problem behaviors within an organization. The appeal process comes along with various ways to help employees experience fairness. In our case, the appeal process will help highlight issues pertaining to the employers' misuse of funds (Stouten, Rousseau, & Cremer, 2018). The corrective appeal, in most cases, tends to be effective when practiced in a private environment. A private environment ensures there is minimal defensiveness among the employees and employers. A private meeting is best suited for discussing and offering solutions to problems. An employee or employer can, however, explain the reasons for their decisions.


In conclusion, one of the problem behaviors involved is the misusing of business funds for personal gains. Using business funds for personal gains is one of the problem behaviors in organizations. To address such issues, individuals can relate to a company's core values as a corrective action. Creating an appeal process is another effective way to handle problem behaviors.


Manning, G., & Curtis, K. (2019). The Art of Leadership. 6th Edition

Silva, M., & Caetano, A. (2014). Organizational justice: What changes, what remains the same? DOI: 10.1108/JOCM-06-2013-0092

Stouten, J., Rousseau, D., & Cremer, D.( 2018). Successful Organizational Change: Integrating the Management Practice and Scholarly Literatures. DOI: 10.5465/annals.2016.0095.

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