Free Paper Example: Cote d'Ivoire Speech - Security Council Simulation on Kashmir Issue

Published: 2022-09-26
Free Paper Example: Cote d'Ivoire Speech - Security Council Simulation on Kashmir Issue
Type of paper:  Speech
Categories:  Security Conflict resolution
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 574 words
5 min read

Just like most countries that were colonized, Ivory Coast has suffered from boundary disputes for many years. However, with consistent negotiation, dialogue and diplomacy which was bound to the rule of law the country were able to solve the conflict. Therefore, we sympathize with the countries which are involved in the Kashmir conflict (India and Pakistan). Cote d'Ivoire had a ten-year conflict with Ghana over a rich offshore oil field.

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During the time of conflict, our relationship with the neighboring country had soured and was full of tension. As a result, there was no development in that region which has the potential of improving the lives of either country. However, after a rigorous investigation by the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, a ruling was made in favor of Ghana. Since then, our relationship with the country has improved, and there has never been any bloodshed.

Our peaceful resolution is the approach that we would like to see on the Kashmir war. It is a pity to see that Pakistan and India have been in conflict for many decades and there are no signs for a solution. In the past, Pakistan insurgents have been attacking the Indian controlled region of Kashmir and resulted in the worst military casualty for the Indian forces (Habibullah 25). Cote D'Ivore vehemently rejects any use of violence. Additionally, insurgents are terrorist groups who are funded by people with malicious intentions. No country should allow a terrorist group to fight on their behalf because if Kashmir was given back to Pakistan because of efforts of insurgents, it could not be recognized to state. No state can enter a deal with a terrorist governed nation.

Additionally, there would be tension in that region because the insurgents might start to take up government roles hence establishing a caliphate. The Pakistan government ought to liaise with the Indian government in a bid to mitigate an insurgent attack on the Indian forces.

The conflict seems to originate from the fact that the Kashmir region has both Hindu Indian and Pakistan Muslims (Habibullah 29). Both want to be dominant in the political sphere. Instead of heightening the religious tensions, there should be efforts to ensure that everyone in the region ought to live peacefully, irrespective of their religious inclination. Most of the attack comes from the Pakistan religious radicals. Therefore, the government of Pakistan ought to create initiatives that would mitigate violence based on religious differences.


If the conflict and attacks persist, the two countries ought to embark on creating a wall demarcating the Kashmir side controlled by the Pakistan and that controlled by India. The North and South Korea have been successful in ensuring there are no causalities by creating such a wall. The wall would also ensure that the tourist from India can visit the Kashmir with fear of attacks.

Additionally, the international community especially Britain should play a central role in the solution process of this war. That is because it was involved in the formation of the boundary. Pressure should be mounted on the two countries until they accept to cooperate and come up with a solution. Such pressure is being exerted on countries like South Sudan; progress has been evident. When the agreement has been made, both countries ought to commit to respecting the ruling.

Works Cited

Habibullah, Wajahat. My Kashmir: Conflict and the prospects for enduring peace. United States Inst of Peace Press, 2008.

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