COVID-19: Global Impacts on Health, Economy, and Technology - Free Essay

Published: 2024-01-26
COVID-19: Global Impacts on Health, Economy, and Technology - Free Essay
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Economics Technology Covid 19
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 666 words
6 min read

According to Fred (2020), coronavirus is an umbrella term for a large number of enveloped, positive-sense RNA viruses. COVID-19 has had both positive and negative impacts. The second most felt coronavirus was in the disease named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). It began in China, then the effects were seen in Southeast Asia, Europe, North America, and South Africa. Right now, the COVID-19 pandemic has been felt globally becoming the most deadly coronavirus hit so far (Fred, 2020). The statistics by Worldometer as of 8 December 2020 were an estimate of 1,554,177 fatalities as well as 68,113,497 confirmed infected persons.

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Coronavirus causing COVID-19, according to Fred (2020), contains a membrane of oily lipids that is very resistant to cleaning. The use of soap helps reduce the oily resistance to cleaning by destroying the membrane. This has been the main reason why most of the countries are advising their citizens to wash and sanitize their hands regularly. The use of face masks and social distancing has been part of the rules imposed to curb the virus. The virus resembles a cold and, therefore, strategies to fight the spread of a cold have been greatly implemented.

The disease has had many impacts on the current world. According to Cuduff (2020), half of the workers globally stand a risk of losing their jobs due to low turnovers in the business world. The layoffs have not been very fair since the pandemic does not recognize the skills but the vulnerabilities of individuals. Sometimes, the people who need the jobs the most are the ones with the most health vulnerabilities. The food system has also been greatly affected by the outcomes of the strikes by the pandemic. The borders getting closed, total lockdowns in the recent past, and even trade restrictions have left most of farmers relenting from farming in fear of spending on the farms only to see their products go to waste (Cuduff, 2020).

According to Cuduff (2020), with the current technological status, the world has improvised a lot of means to keep people busy with what they used to do before the pandemic. The pandemic has made people realize the convenience of working online and conducting virtual meetings, which were not properly embraced before the virus struck. There has been a lot of useful technology that has lived in the shadows with little recognition. However, after the COVID-19 era began, some of the technology has been recognized as some of the most useful inventions to embrace even after the pandemic. Amongst the operations that are going down, are the airlines, and the commuter trains that help businesses run the way they used to, and substitutions have to be improvised.

According to Collin (2020), the pandemic has made it hard for business managers to meet for vital decision-making of their operations. Also, team working has been discouraged causing a reduction in production and revenues in most of the countries. Therefore, virtual communication has been embraced making it necessary to address arising issues related to it. According to Collin (2020), virtual message delivery is less efficient as compared to face-to-face communication due to distractions and fewer commitments. This COVID-19 era has taught people the need for good communication skills, skills for capturing attention in virtual communication, and ways of virtually engaging the addressed party to keep them in line.

The pandemic has brought along both positive and negative impacts. The positive impacts of the pandemic include virtual meetings and communication has been a positive impact that can be used even after the pandemic. In proper use, it becomes more convenient and cheap all the same and consumes less time to pass information. The negative impacts, as discussed, include the inevitable layoffs.


Fred, P. (2020). The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Summary Curious about COVID-19? Retrieved from

Collin, J. (2020). Benefits of Virtual Communication Skills Training During COVID-19. Communication Skills. Retrieved from

Caduff, C. (2020). What went wrong: Corona and the world after the full stop. Medical Anthropology Quarterly.

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COVID-19: Global Impacts on Health, Economy, and Technology - Free Essay. (2024, Jan 26). Retrieved from

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