Craft Essay Example: Glossary of Chain Accidents by Temim Fruchter

Published: 2022-04-28
Craft Essay Example: Glossary of Chain Accidents by Temim Fruchter
Type of paper:  Literature review
Categories:  Literature
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 878 words
8 min read

Temim Fruchter writes about the chain of accidents she encountered. She encountered a chain of events while in high school. The first-person point of view is used in the story. This craft essay uses the first-person viewpoint as the craft element. Using first-person helps a reader to understand all the events that took place in the novel as protagonist explains some of the things she is afraid of in her life.

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The use of the first-person point of view in this essay gives one the experience of being in the author's head as it links the one reading to the protagonist. Emotions are not usually filtered because of distance; instead, it takes place when the protagonist feel them. A connection and intimacy are created when a character reveals his or her fears and thoughts to a reader. In the essay, emotions are created when the author says, "because I dreamed of being the kind of girl who had a red high heel on the end of a keychain as if that were even a kind of girl, I sometimes felt sad" (Fruchter 1). The persona feels sad because she cannot get what she dreamt of having in her life.

The first person is also intimate. The first point of view is written in such a way that the audients feel as if the narrator is sitting in the same room. Fruchter (1) says, "Sometimes at school, I stood up on the toilet seat so that my feet were invisible." She did that because she feared death. The author tells the audience of even the personal things she did to enhance the connection between the reader and protagonist. Stealing is also an intimate thing. The author uses the first person to explain the way she stole severally. One of the moments is when she took from a shop called Judaica where her mother browsed menorahs. Therefore, use of the first-person point of view of the best way of achieving intimacy.

In this story, the use of the first person has helped in developing character. The point of view in the story is the protagonist. Using the first person in making explanations has enabled the audience to know the character well. She is funny from the look of things she encountered during her chains of accidents. She said. "I didn't understand why my eyes crossed and why I sometimes forgot to listen, and I didn't understand why sometimes, at night, under the bathtub faucet, I thought about Shira Gross, the president of the eighth-grade Young Republicans" (Fruchter 1) The different traits of the authors can also be seen from the story. She is focused because she walked from the girls who swayed their hips while at school. The using first-person view makes the reader know how the protagonist experiences and thinks about the world.

The use of the first person establishes a valid viewpoint of the story. When an author uses the first-person, the reader immediately knows what the storyline of the novel. It also explains the things that the audience should care. Since the story is told from a personal filter, the reader can create a setting for the novel's events, evaluate their value, and know the influence they have on the life of a character. "My lunch usually required a fork, and this was strange because most kids had sandwiches" (Fruchter 1). The information given by the writer reflects in the world as not all people are privileged to eat sandwiches while they are in school due to the different backgrounds of students. Another situation is where the author says that they ate plain noodles plus ketchup and chicken. Furthermore, the author also feels lonely as most of the people often feel. She also asks herself, "Would I be loved?" Most of the teenagers in high school worry about love and if they can get it (Fruchter 1). They spend their time thinking of the person they have an affection for them though they might not get the courage.

Using the first-person in the novel created believability. It makes one believe that the events in the story happened to the author in the real sense. "Because I had a wallet made entirely out of duct tape because I had no idea how to hold a pool cue because I got cork in the wine because I still accidentally disappeared sometimes, I thought I might not be lovable" (Fruchter 1). A reader may believe that the things the author expressed are what she encountered. One can believe that she is not lovable because of the activities she engaged.

In conclusion, the use of the first-person point of view in a novel makes a reader to have the urge of reading it. The reason is that it connects the reader to the protagonist. It makes the reader to be emotionally attached to the author. Using the craft element can also make one believe that the events the protagonist passed through are real. For instance, one can believe that the author is not lovable in considering her expression. Lastly, the use of the first-person viewpoint in the story connects the events to real-life situations.

Work Cited

Fruchter, Temim. "Glossary of Chain Accidents | Brevity: A Journal of Concise Literary Nonfiction." Brevitymag.Com, 2018,

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Craft Essay Example: Glossary of Chain Accidents by Temim Fruchter. (2022, Apr 28). Retrieved from

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