Criminal Homicide Essay Example

Published: 2022-05-24
Criminal Homicide Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Criminal law
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 518 words
5 min read

Criminal homicide in most cases is classified as manslaughter or murder. When a person commits this act causes the death of another person, it is considered a crime. This is because it falls under the category of homicides that are neither excusable nor justifiable are referred to us crimes by law. Not all killings are considered crimes others can happen for legitimate reasons. Multiple degrees of murders often depict the seriousness of the case.

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There are also some homicides that can be considered crimes; these include an accidental death like vehicles colliding of self-defense. In some cases like the execution of a person, it is a justifiable homicide because the executioner is doing that by the law. Killing a person through self-defense is considered not a crime in many states in America.

Murder is always broken down further into different categories. The crime which most people are convicted of is first and second-degree murder. First-degree murder is a severe case here a person has all intentions and has planned to kill the victim. These cases are taken very serious by the state, and the punishments are usually severe.

Second-degree murder usually applies to situations where the offender had intentions of killing the victim but did not plan. For example, two brothers are arguing; the argument reaches boiling point and the fall into a fight where one smacks the other one to death. This is referred to second-degree murder. Some states also use second-degree murder to convict people whose intentions could have led to murder. The penalty for second-degree murder just like first is severe and a person could face life imprisonment.

Manslaughter is also a type of homicide where the accused is considered not to have had the intention of committing the act. It is regarded as an offense in some states and some it is not an offense. Sentences can be determined by the judge or the state you are from and its laws. There also the type of homicide where you can be pardoned because a person was defending himself. Law enforcers mostly use this in cases where a person died, and no offense was committed. The person who committed the murder is not held liable for the act. In some cases though, civil penalties are applied to the person who committed a crime.

The justice system has also been dynamic since our first laws were put down. Some states have created other forms of homicide crimes. An example is the felony charge. Here a person is charged because he was accompanying the person who committed a crime. An example if a person escorts a robber to commit a crime and the robber stabs someone to death the person will be charged with murder by association. The laws keep changing, and many people are expecting a lot more to improve.

Homicide is a severe and grave act. It is punishable by law, and many people do not have information about the penalties placed on a person who commits it.


Fletcher, George P. "Reflections of Felony Murder." Homicide (1980).

School, Cornell University Law. "Homicide Defination." Homicide (2014).

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