Cultivating Leadership and Transformation in the Globalized Commercial Model - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-08-14
Cultivating Leadership and Transformation in the Globalized Commercial Model - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Management Feminism
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 427 words
4 min read


As an Australian precarious feminist and leadership scholar, Amanda Sinclair noted that regardless of advocacy for transformation, globalized commercial models remain captured. A dominant belief method of administration (hegemonic philosophy) referred to as dishonest seduction (Pullen & Vachhani, 2018). Other scholars expound the ‘capture’ in the perspective of Aotearoa New Zealand by comparing it to the fascination with the national sport. Leadership refers to a social structure that remains a creation of the unconscious and emotional needs, primary practices, and group ambitions of the led, coupled with the characters and abilities of the leader.

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Besides, people’s ideas of leadership remain sealed in a time-twist, guarded by protracted epitomes of valiant leaders (warriors) and astute but detached fathers. Organizations, governments, and societies must address such issues as critical, tame, and wicked problems. There exist a structure of leadership concerning transformation and the interrelationship between macro-societal, micro-individual, and meso-organizational extents (Pullen & Vachhani, 2018). Macro-societal refers to historical and socio-political settings, demographics, population, legislation, and labor market. Besides, meso-organizational involves organizational strategies (policies) and processes influenced by corporate cultures, demography, size, and sector. Micro-individual refers to interpersonal, intrapersonal, and inter-group dynamics.

One conformist wisdom states that gender and sexuality of (male) managers remain imperceptible except women’s gender, which gets incorporated as a variable (usually mentioned) in research. However, the critical alternative argues that leadership accepts the masculinity of males. The requirement to expose gendered, cultural-centric conventions defines leadership. The notion of gender offers an overarching means to explore various concepts like the universal definition of woman and man founded on the biological sex categorization (Pullen & Vachhani, 2018). It also provides an avenue to explore the meanings of femininity and masculinity, the relationship between women and men, and their relative political status and power level. Besides, it also exploits the dynamic construct, such as fluid, shifting, and contextual like non-binary or trans-binary people of several gender characteristics across the Pacific.

Gender means the socio-cultural creations of sex dissimilarities and the philosophy about typical or objects suitable for one sex than the other, as well as feelings, conduct, and interests (Pullen & Vachhani, 2018). Gendered structural cultures expedite gendered processes like providing preferences to a specific sex and utilizing masculine systems, symbols, and stereotypes in leadership. The New Zealand workforce remains one of the most sex-segregated in Europe. The economic and political positions of several women remain contested and unequal.


Pullen, A., & Vachhani, S. J. (2018). Examining the politics of gendered difference in feminine leadership: The absence of ‘female masculinity’. Inclusive Leadership (pp. 125-149). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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