Cultural Intelligence (CQ) Capabilities - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-12-25
Cultural Intelligence (CQ) Capabilities - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Culture
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 922 words
8 min read


Cultural intelligences (CQ) refer to an person’s capability to work effectively in diverse cultural contexts, both domestically and internationally (Van Dyne et al., 2010). Understanding well, the concept of CQ is very relevant to me since it enables me to work effectively with other people in different cultures. Cultural intelligence enables me to avoid making a cultural faux pas, which can lead to embarrassment or potentially undermine a deal when working abroad or at home when leading a culturally different team. Learning the course of cultural intelligence (CQ) is of great relevance since it enables me to understand the well diverse culture and interact with people from different cultural contexts; hence I will be able to attain my personal goal in the future easily. In my assessment of CQ, the strategy is my highest scored cultural intelligence; hence the experience of different cultures will assist me in improving my future career goals and also enhancing my understanding of the entire CQ capabilities.

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CQ Drive

My performance in the CQ drive is fairly good since I score 93%. CQ Drive is a crucial capability since it enables an individual to be persistent and energized in the approach to multicultural situations. My strength is on the self-efficacy; I perform highly. Since I was young, I have been confident when handling my issues. Self-efficacy has the confidence to be effective in diverse cultural situations (Villagran, 2018). I need to improve on the intrinsic interest since I scored lowly in the CQ drive. I need to learn how to derive enjoyment from different cultural experiences.

CQ Knowledge

My score of CQ knowledge was the lowest in all the CQ capabilities since I scored 65%. CQ knowledge is the degree to which a person understands how cultures impact how people behave and think and their level of familiarity with how cultures are diverse and similar. I need to put more effort into improving the performance of CQ knowledge since a high CQ knowledge score will enable me to understand different cultures and their influences on how people think and behave. In the entire CQ knowledge dimension, I scored poorly in business; therefore, I need to improve the knowledge pertaining to legal systems and economics. I have strength in leadership; I score pretty high. Leadership refers to knowledge concerning relationships and controlling people across diverse cultures.

CQ Strategy

I scored pretty high in the CQ strategy as compared to other cultural intelligence, with 98%. CQ strategy refers to an extent in which an individual is aware of what’s going on in the multicultural situations. I need to make some improvements in planning since I perform relatively low. My strength areas in CQ strategy are awareness and checking; I perform pretty high. Understanding the CQ strategy well is of great significance to me since I will be able to think about the multicultural interactions after and before they occur.

CQ Action

My score in CQ action was fair and above average. CQ action enables me to act appropriately in multicultural situations. I need to improve in speech acts since I scored relatively low in the CQ dimensions. Speech acts refer to modifying the content and manner of communication. I have strengths in verbal dimension, modifying verbal behaviors such as tone and accent. My desire is to improve to have a high CQ action score so that I can be able to translate CQ strategy, knowledge, and drive into action.

The realities of interacting across cultures and cultural intelligence (CQ) has changed me to be aware of the importance of understanding well the four dimensions of cultural intelligence capabilities. Through the course teaching and understanding of CQ concepts, I have interacted effectively with people of different cultures in school. The class course has confirmed some of the cultures and value my parents instilled me at home.

In the next four weeks, I will improve my CQ capabilities by ensuring that I understand my own culture well and improve the CQ dimension that I score relatively low. Also, I will have to experience different cultures, my colleague in school, and learn deeply about their norms. In the next year, I will improve my cultural intelligence by learning other languages used by different cultures. Also, to improve on my CQ knowledge performance, I will have to enroll in a business related course so as to enhance my performance business that is knowledgeable about legal systems and economics.

In my view, cultural intelligence is an important part when becoming a disciple and preparing disciples for two diverse reasons. Understanding the CQ capabilities is essential for an individual to become a disciple since most characters in the bible, and also Jesus was from a diverse culture. Therefore, it’s very crucial to be equipped with CQ capabilities in order to make disciples since we cannot dive into different cultures and spread the gospel’s to them; we need to understand well other people’s cultures. In America, there are several diverse cultures; therefore, without CQ capabilities, experience, and knowledge, people will not be able to do a substantial job in spreading God’s gospel around. Hence, it’s important to be equipped and understand well the cultural intelligence for people to be a disciple of the word and make disciples.


Van Dyne, L., Ang, S., & Livermore, D. (2010). Cultural intelligence: A pathway for leading in a rapidly globalizing world. Leading across differences, 131-138.

Villagran, M. A. (2018). Cultural Intelligence: Ability to Adapt to New Cultural Settings. Knowledge Quest, 46(5), 9-14.

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