Culturally Diverse Classrooms. Paper Example

Published: 2023-02-15
Culturally Diverse Classrooms. Paper Example
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Students Multiculturalism Intercultural communication Classroom management
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 596 words
5 min read

With the current culturally diversified society, encouraging cultural diversity in classrooms is essential. Hence, this research is argumentatively in support of the importance and impacts of cultural diversity in class as a way of enhancing students' thinking scope.

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The increase in cultural diversity in modern society demands that people embrace cultural diversity to ensure that people live in harmony. One of the best places to teach the importance of embracing cultural diversity is in the schools; be it elementary, middle, or high school. The reason being that: In school, students interact with other students from different backgrounds and cultures. Besides, it is always easy to teach people while they are young. Therefore, teachers should adopt a teaching model that encourages and promotes cultural diversity in their classrooms. According to Kodama, taking a culturally responsive teaching approach when teaching a culturally diversified class is beneficial to all students as it helps broaden the students' thinking scope. Teachers need to focus on the cultural aspects, which may influence attitude, behavior, and students' perceptions towards the students from different ethnicity or culture.

Thesis Statement

With the current culturally diversified society, encouraging cultural diversity in classrooms is essential. Hence, this research is argumentatively in support of the importance and impacts of cultural diversity in class as a way of enhancing students' thinking scope.

Arguments on Benefits of Cultural Diversity in Classrooms

Cultural diversity in classrooms promotes student growth and reflection -in a culturally diverse classroom; students get the opportunity to interact with students from other cultures where they share their life experiences. According to Kodama, the student later reflects on this different life stories and get to appreciate the different cultures in the world, which can make students stop being judgmental of others based on culture.

Culturally diverse classrooms help in opening students mind -due to lack of exposure; children tend to be confined in the opinions and thoughts. Diversity in the classrooms brings in the exposure,which helps open up the students' minds. Through interactions in the classrooms and outside classrooms, students learn how other people do different things in their culture (Kodama)

Culturally diverse classes prepare students for the culturally diverse workplaces - Globalization has reduced the world to a global village such that someone can work or live in places miles away from their birthplaces. In this aspect, having studied in culturally diverse classrooms can help the individual cope with the diversity in the workplace in terms of maybe culture and language (Kodama).

Culturally diverse classrooms promote mindfulness and tolerance. According to Pusey, diversity in the classroom helps students understand that people are different, and thus they should be mindful and tolerant towards others.

Ways of Fostering Cultural Diversity in Classrooms - According to Kodama, teachers should embrace teaching methods which encourage smooth coexistence between students' with different backgrounds. Some of these methods include:

  • Culturally responsive communication,
  • Creating a curriculum and environment which promotes cultural diversity,
  • Creating awareness of cultural diversity in the classrooms, and
  • Teachers should uphold cultural sensitivity during class sessions.


Cultural diversity in classrooms aids in broadening students' thinking scope both during the schools days and later in their workplaces. Thus, cultural diversity should be incorporated into the curriculum and lesson plans. Parents should also work hand-in-hand with the teachers in support of cultural diversity in the classrooms.

Works Cited

Han, shihui."Cultural diversity."Oxford Scholarship Online, 2017.

Kodama, Nana. "Teacher Education and Culturally Diverse Classrooms."Revitalizing Minority Voices, 2015, pp. 91-110.

Pusey, Stacey. "How does culture impact our ability to learn?"eSchool News, 2018, pp 1-2, Accessed on 18 September 2019.

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Culturally Diverse Classrooms. Paper Example. (2023, Feb 15). Retrieved from

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