Essay Sample on Current Events in Syria

Published: 2022-11-04
Essay Sample on Current Events in Syria
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  War Asia
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1341 words
12 min read

Syria is currently a war-torn country; torn by civil war. A tranquil uprising against the leader of Syria seven years prior transformed into a full-scale civil war. The contention has left in excess of 350,000 Syrians dead, crushed urban areas and attracted different nations to also engage in the country's conflict. Indeed, even before the political contention started, numerous Syrians were grumbling about the high rate of joblessness, corruption, and autocracy from President Bashar al-Assad, who succeeded former president (also his father), Hafez, after the president passed on in 2000.

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Democracy demonstrations broke out in March 2011, in the southern city of Deraa, propelled by the "Arab Spring" in neighboring nations. At the point when the Bashar administration utilized lethal force to ground the dispute, demonstrations demanding for the ruler's acquiescence erupted all across Syria. The agitation spread and the crackdown by the government of dissidents strengthened. Resistance supporters armed themselves, first to protect themselves and later to free their regions of government control. President Assad promised to pulverize what he called "Western-sponsored psychological oppression". The viciousness quickly rose and the nation plummeted into a civil war that has lasted to date.

Cultural and Social Implications of Visiting Syria

Before it turned out to be internationally perceived as a war-torn nation, Syria had a verifiable tradition of resilience and pluralism. While the ongoing clash has focused on partisan pressures, most Syrians stay exceptionally tolerant and aware of the religious, ethnic and political variety. Without a doubt, in light of late clashes, numerous Syrians reject the use of such partitions. Syrians are regularly acquainted with a decent variety of social ways of life; the web, media and popular culture have uncovered individuals (particularly the college populaces) to the liberal qualities and practices of the West. Usually to see both conventional Syrian clothing and present-day European forms in city roads. Thus cultural, political and even ethnic liberalism is one of the most apparent effects of visiting Syria.

Extensively, the Syrian way of life is a preservationist and shows extraordinary regard for customs. Islam is the majority religion and a significant number of the present conventions and traditions seen by this are grounded in Islamic qualities. Hence another implication may be a grounding towards Islamist culture and religion. Syrians frequently oppose changes to their Islamist culture, however, they are welcoming and tolerant to other religious groups.

This religious toleration has led to a progressive society in Syria, of a cosmopolitan nature and dynamic. This disposition is, however, changing essentially as the political circumstance in the country has decayed and strife has swelled into civil war. In any case, Syrians are commonly extremely quiet individuals, wanting to coordinate with the world's experts as opposed to the picture of war and strife that has been cast to the public eye. Thus another implication of visiting Syria is the promotion of international cohesion.

The rustic urban refinement in Syria has turned out to be very conspicuous in the course of the 25 years the Assad administration has been in power. The regime pumped a large portion of its efforts to the urban areas, thus before the civil war broke out, urban centers in Syria were centers of immense architectural marvel and tourist attractions. This is yet another implication of visiting Syria, the architecture and life surrounding urban areas are infectious. Syrians from the provincial zones are more collectivistic in their local association. Because of the financial hardships experienced due to Asaad's regime, many Syrians were compelled to move to urban territories over the recent ten years preceding the political uprising. These metropolitan regions further mirror the social and chronicled assorted dynamic of Syria. For instance, Damascus (the capital city) is known as the most established and consistently occupied city in the word. Old engineering more often than not describes the capital city before proceeding into current rural areas and condo structures. Generally, 60% of the populace lived in urban zones in the period preceding the chaos.

Syrian culture is very stratified and individuals will in general, cling to the stratifications, characterized by social statuses. A man's riches, training, and occupation are the greatest class markers. Exchange callings or engagements that require physical work are seen as low-status positions. More regard is awarded to individuals who have college degrees and work in occupations that require highly advanced education or training. One's age additionally decides the evaluation of regard in social connections. It is normal that in social circumstances older folks are profoundly respected and given priority over other people who are present. The implication of this is thus that one would not differ with the supposition of a senior member of the society except if they're ready to express their point in an extremely different and educated way.

The Status Of Human Rights In Syria

More than 400,000 have succumbed in light of the Syrian clash since 2011, as indicated by the World Bank, with over 5 million looking for shelter abroad and more than 6 million internally displaced, as per a UN report. By June 2017, the UN additionally assessed that 540,000 Syrians were living in war zones. The Syrian government has employed the use of various chemical weapons assaults on regular citizens in opposition-held territories. With Russia and Iran's help, the Syrian government has led intentional and nonpartisan assaults against regular Syrians and non-military personnel foundation, imprisoned philanthropic activists, utilized starvation as a war strategy, and persuasively dislodged Syrians in the negation of worldwide law. The Syrian government's practices of torment and abuse of those in confinement continues and other opposition leaders have been simply 'disappeared'.

Non-state groups have additionally done numerous human rights infringement, against the populous. The usually armed groups have carried out conscious and sporadic assaults against regular citizens, inclusive of women and children. The groups have also kidnapped, and discretionarily kept activists utilized intemperate power to smother dissents and effectively cut any form of relief aid to the regions they control. ISIS, one of the non-government militant groups has purportedly used women and children as human shields, and employed landmines and different IEDs in attacks against non-military personnel, these have killed women and children as well.

The airstrikes by the US-army have also led to civilian casualties, the air strikes are done in anti-ISIS attacks as the Syrian Network for Human Rights reported. In addition to this, is that the US and other coalition forces are detailing 2,286 non-military personnel.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights also reports that some of these air-strikes raise worries that the alliance forces neglected to play it safe by staying away from and demilitarized zones. While the petition to seek who is responsible for the attacks on non-military personnel have been stayed by the U.N. Security Council, the UN General Assembly resolved in December 2016 that an instrument to aid the prosecution of genuine violations obtain proof and plan cases for future criminal procedures will be put into play.

Dangers of Travelling to Syria

The U.S. travel advisory has cautioned its citizenship against venturing into Syria because of psychological warfare, armed clashes, and civil agitation. In addition to this, the advisory says that no region of Syria is sheltered from savagery. Kidnappings, the utilization of, shelling and chemical warfare and airborne sieges present noteworthy danger of death or genuine damage. The decimation of the road and other transport frameworks, lodgings, hospitals, schools, power and water utilities has likewise expanded hardships inside the nation.

The U.S. Government office in Damascus has subsequently suspended its tasks from February 2012. The U.S. government currently does not have strategic or consular relations with Syria. The Czech Republic fills in as the representative power for the United States in Syria. The scope of consular administrations that the Czech Republic gives to U.S. subjects is to a great degree of restriction, and the U.S. government can't give crisis administrations to U.S. natives in Syria. U.S. nationals in Syria who look for consular administrations should attempt to rapidly and securely leave the nation and contact a U.S. international safe haven or office in a neighboring nation, if conceivable.

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