Curriculum: Differentiating Instruction for Learner Understanding. Essay Sample

Published: 2022-12-27
Curriculum: Differentiating Instruction for Learner Understanding. Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Teaching Knowledge School Developmental psychology
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 608 words
6 min read

Part 1

Curriculum compacting is a method used to differentiate the instructions teachers to adjust to the curriculum for the learners to have an understanding of what one is supposed to have. It assists the teachers to be able to do a replacement of what the students already know with what they do not know. It is recommended by Renzulli and Reis, (2014) that the teachers identify what goals are expected of the study. These goals are in expressions of the skills, the whole content and the standards the learners must get knowledge. After determining these expectations, the teacher can then assess the students so as to determine what they have mastered already out of the required expectations.

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Curriculum compacting is used to assist the students who are ahead of the other learners, in expressions of quick mastery of the lessons being taught and that the other learners must cover as well. It allows the gifted students to study at their pace as per their abilities without getting bored due to the regression of their unused potential. Both the gifted and average students are motivated since curriculum compacting enables the teacher to incorporate them into one class. Curriculum compacting helps the students boost their performances by arousing their motivation.

The gifted children may have their time wasted through unnecessary repetition or practice for what they already know. Curriculum compacting is therefore needed to avoid such wastage of time, which can be otherwise used in extension activities. Relearning something one has already learned is tiring and not interesting at all, and can make one hate the study or the lesson, or lose interest in studying it altogether. Curriculum compacting, therefore, is a very vital tool that is supposed to be incorporated in all the schools, especially where gifted children are present.

Part 2

For the teachers to be in the position of accommodating the different learning styles of the students, the use the approach of differentiated instruction strategies in reaching the students. One of the strategies that teachers employ includes use of differentiated instruction which is referred to as tiered assignments (Cox, 2019). The strategy is efficient if the teachers apply it in the groups that are characterized by a high level of flexibility.

The teacher makes use of individual student's groups in assigning particular assignments. As the teacher does this, there should be freedom to associate with peers in the group, an action that helps them in realizing themselves better (Cox, 2019). The approach is much of a benefit to the students as they get a chance to showcase their skills and capabilities to the peers in the group.

It has been identified that six methods are applied in structuring tiered assignments. The way that a teacher can use in tiered structuring assignments includes associating tiered assignments with a challenge level. In this strategy, the teacher makes the students to have experience of several varying tasks. The other approach that a teacher can apply is by use of complicated assignment (Cox, 2019). For this trick, the teacher can access whether the group is ready for a complicated task. The other strategy that a teacher can employ in structuring tired assignments is differentiating the outcome. The plan here is that the students are provided with the same resources, but at the end of the task, they will have differing results. Other approaches that are used by the teachers in structuring tiered assignment include product, process, and resources.


Cox, J. (2019). Differentiated Instruction Strategies: Tiered Assignments. Retrieved from

Renzulli, J. S., & Reis, S. M. (2014). The schoolwide enrichment model: A how-to guide for talent development (3rd ed.). Waco, TX: Prufrock Press.

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Curriculum: Differentiating Instruction for Learner Understanding. Essay Sample. (2022, Dec 27). Retrieved from

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