Free Essay on Customer Loyalty for Airlines with a Survey Example

Published: 2019-11-28
Free Essay on Customer Loyalty for Airlines with a Survey Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Loyalty Airline industry Customer service
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 477 words
4 min read

The survey is carried out to collect information from you. It measures customer satisfaction, habit, attitudes, and loyalty. The aim of the questionnaire is to collect data from travelers and tourists in Lufthansa airport and Emirates airport, Germany across all gender, ages, safety, bonus, allowance, time, comfort, and service. Please take few minutes to complete the survey questionnaire below. Your response will remain entirely anonymous.

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What airline have you just travelled with?

Lufthansa Emirates.Give your general impression of the airline companies.

This company is

Excellent Good Average Fair poor Dont Know



Please evaluate the airline company you have just traveled with.

Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree

I am a loyal customer to this airline.

I dont mind paying higher prices to this airline. I recommend my friends and family to use this airline. I look to keep flying using this airline. I will fly using this airline in future.

How often do you travel using the airline you have mentioned?

Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly Annually Seldom How many times have you travelled with the same airline this month? ..............

Based on the options below, please tick one to show your rating on the airlines service.

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Bad Based on the options below, please tick one to show your opinion on the airlines safety.

Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Not satisfactory Not satisfactory Not sure Based on the options below, please tick one to show your opinion on the airlines comfort

Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Not satisfactory Not satisfactory Not sure Based on the options below, please tick one to show the time you prefer travelling.

Morning Afternoon Evening Night No preference Based on the options below, please rate the airlines bonus program based on its importance when buying a ticket.

Extremely important Very important Somehow important important In general, how will you rate the quality of service provided by this airline?

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Bad How will you rate your satisfaction level with the services provided by the airline?

Very high High Average Low Very Low If there was another alternative airline, how often would you think of using the services provided by this airline.

Never Very rarely Sometimes Often Always Please rate the airlines on the following scale of 1 = Friendly to 5=unfriendly

1 2 3 4 5

Lufthansa Emirates Please rate the airlines on the following scale of 1 = professional to 5=unprofessional

1 2 3 4 5

Lufthansa Emirates Please rate the airlines on the following scale of 1 = Excellent services to 5=poor services.

1 2 3 4 5

Lufthansa Emirates Please rate the airlines on the following scale of 1 = efficient to 5=inefficient.

1 2 3 4 5

Lufthansa Emirates Please rate the airlines on the following scale of 1 = traditional to 5=modern

1 2 3 4 5

Lufthansa Emirates What is your reason for travelling?

Business.. Visiting friends.

Visitor/Tourist ....Other (please specify)

What is your age?

25 and under ..26 45 .46 55 ..56 65 .66 and over..

Once again, thanks for your effort and time to complete the questionnaire.

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Free Essay on Customer Loyalty for Airlines with a Survey Example. (2019, Nov 28). Retrieved from

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