Customer Service Problems: Finding Solutions for Improved Outcomes - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-09-12
Customer Service Problems: Finding Solutions for Improved Outcomes - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Business
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1024 words
9 min read


A problem is any issue or situation that is harmful, unwelcome, and, therefore, need to be dealt with and solved as fast as possible. A problem can also be a situation hindering the achievement of something. Anyone faced with a problem must seek a way of explaining it. That is what is called a solution (Güss et al., 2017). This essay will identify a problem then propose a solution to a person who has the power to implement those solutions.

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Customer Service Problems

Customer service refers to attending to the needs of the clients through the provision and delivery of necessary, professional, top quality service. It helps before, during, and even after meeting the client (Li et al., 2017). It is, in summary, fulfilling the needs and desires of any business client. Some of the problems include: not being able to provide an answer to their question, failure to comprehend their needs, linking them to another department for a solution to their problem, handling an irate client, handling several clients at ago, among others. Customers are always right, and businesses and their staff must strive to go by the slogan. Astute businesspeople are well aware that each client relationship they lose means a reduction in their bottom line. Satisfied clients will make repeat visits and purchases and be the brand ambassadors of the business (Li et al., 2017).

The Problem-Solving Process

The process of solving a problem has four main stages. They are problem identification and definition, generation of alternative views, evaluation and selection of the alternative thoughts, and following up on the new solutions. To identify an existing problem, one needs to separate opinions from facts, identify the main causative agents of the problem, and consult the relevant parties. It also involves categorically stating the problem, identifying what is not being done according to the rules or regulations, locating the process where the problem lies, and looking for a solution. Step two involves having all the stakeholders involved in coming up with alternatives and aligning them with the business goals. Categorizing the other options as either short-term or long-term, then considering other suggestions/choices, and sieving the other options to come up with those that can solve the issue at hand (Güss et al., 2017).

Step three involves evaluating alternatives with the standard set, eliminating biasness, and assessing the business objectives. It also consists of an assessment of the possible and proven results, and lastly, stating the alternative settled on clearly to the stakeholders. The last step in this process is the implementation and follow-up stage, whereby the new options get piloted, and feedback sought on the same. During this period, a consensus is sought and built among the stakeholders. Monitoring of the same is done and evaluating the long-term results following the final results (Güss et al., 2017).

Solving the Customers' Problems

The following proposals may, therefore, be adopted by the management of my company, in ensuring that the business does not lose its current clients, and also that the potential ones are not scared by any sign of ineptitude or laxity on the part of the management and staff. Given that the CEO and the company board are the final decision-makers, these decisions will have to go to them for ratification and possible endorsement if found suitable (Crouch et al., 2016). Where an employee has no answer to a client's concern, there is a need to let the client know that the staff has no immediate response and that the business will respond as soon as possible.

In a situation where the staff cannot comprehend the client's needs, request the client to take you through the explanation (Crouch et al., 2016). The employee may have to take notes and to ask a colleague to assist in understanding the issue. In case of a need to link the client to another department to help solve the problem, inform them that the transfer is to seek assistance for them, and let them understand what to expect. In the case of an irate client, calm them down first. The HEARD (Hear, Empathize, Apologize, Resolve, and Diagnose) method may also be useful (Crouch et al., 2016).

Serving several clients at a go will involve excellent communication skills. Let the second client know that you will be with them after getting done with the first; follow the first-come, first-serve principle. The best change of action I would advocate for in this situation is to consider the customer as supreme and to have them in focus during any strategy formulation in an organization. The solution is convenient as it ensures that all decisions have client satisfaction in mind, and the result is profits to the firm.


Humans have to face various issues in their daily lives, which places obstacles on their path. Therefore, this calls for them to find ways and means of removing them, hence the process of problem-solving. Business owners also go through complex situations in handling their clients, which calls for their quick decision-making skills daily. This essay was to identify a problem and then propose solutions to a person who can implement those solutions. Customer satisfaction is a significant issue among firms due to the competitiveness of the market. Therefore, businesses must come up with superior strategies to make their customers satisfied and happy. Considering the adage of 'the customers is always right,' a well taken care of client will become both a repeat client and a brand ambassador.


Crouch, R., Ewer, M., Quester, P., & Proksch, M. (2016). Talking with You—Not at You: How Brand Ambassadors Can Spark Consumer Brand Attachment? In Marketing Challenges in a Turbulent Business Environment, pp. 189-194. Springer, Cham.

Güss, C. D., Devore Edelstein, H., Badibanga, A., & Bartow, S. (2017). Comparing business experts and novices in complex problem solving. Journal of Intelligence, 5(2), 20.

Li, C., Cui, G., & Peng, L. (2017). The signaling effect of management response in engaging customers: A study of the hotel industry. Tourism Management, 62, 42-53.

Unicom. (2020, March 19). 12 Biggest Customer Service Challenges and How To Solve Them [Blog Post]. Retrieved from

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