Danny's Struggle: An Anti-Social Disorder - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-07-29
Danny's Struggle: An Anti-Social Disorder - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Disorder Psychological disorder
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 876 words
8 min read


There is a different disorder that affects the people differently where the normal life of the victim is affected, including the patients thinking, mood, feeling, and behaviour. Mental disorders are characterized by how they affect the patients, and they are usually inherited genetically and can also be caused by external factors like being involved in accidents (Saxena, 2018). Based on the history of Danny and how he behaves while in the university, I can diagnose him with Anti-Social Personality Disorder, the symptoms of the disorder began to be shown in childhood which includes breaking laws to achieve the desired result.

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The characteristics of anti-social personality disorder include persistent disregard for right and wrong, persistent lying, and being disrespectful to other people. The characteristics of the disorder shown in Danny's' character include taking another student's car without his consent for a ride (Saxena, 2018). When Danny was asked to be responsible for his action, he tried to justify is the reason for taking the car. The frequent misunderstandings with other students is a common characteristic of Anti-Social Personality Disorder. The disorder can be managed when the patients accept and try to follow the advice of the counselor.

In this scenario, we need to consider the differential diagnosis, such as to conduct disorder. People with conduct disorder exhibit symptoms such as violating the laws as well as social norms (DSM-5 American Psychiatric Association, 2013). Conduct disorder is common during early childhood as well as adolescence. The disorder is as well common among boys and girls. People with conduct disorder disregard the feelings and wellbeing of others, thereby acting aggressively. Children and adolescents with this disorder may lie, steal, or destroy and when comforted are not remorseful. In Danny's case, he takes a car belonging to his fellow student and drives it and then returns it. When confronted for his actions, he becomes defensive and indicates that he had no intention of stealing the car.

To properly diagnose Danny, it is important to question him further and establish other symptoms that he exhibits. Before diagnosing the patient with an antisocial personality disorder, it will be critical to conduct psychiatric examination norms (DSM-5 American Psychiatric Association, 2013). One of the questions that will be beneficial is the frequency of the behavior and the symptoms. The counselor should also ask Danny and his parent the severity of the behavior. If the patient resists verbally answering the questions, the counselor can opt to give him a questionnaire to fill.

Danny needs to be asked additional questions to be sure that he is suffering off Anti-Social Personality Disorder. The following questions can help you understand Danny more:

  • How often do people accuse you of breaking the law?
  • Do you use any kind of drug?
  • Am often, do you have conflicts with your close friends, and who do you think causes conflicts between you and your friends?
  • I there anyone from your family who has any kind of disorder?
  • Have you ever sought counseling from a professional before?

The questions help the professional counselor understand Danny more and diagnose whether he has any sign and symptoms to make a clear conclusion of the disorder affecting Danny. The counselor is also to understand Danny's medical history, including family history, which is key in diagnosing different kinds of mental disorders.

Anti-Social Personality Disorder can only be handled among the adults where they are helped to live with the disorder minimizing the effects brought by the disorder and help the patient live a more comfortable life (Yilmaz, 2019). The treatment method to help the person live with the disorder is psychotherapy, where Danny is taught to live with other people peacefully, reducing conflicts. Danny, I taught to respect other people and their property to reduce conflicts that might land him into trouble. With the continuous psychotherapy, Danny will be able to live with the disorder and live a comfortable life.

The symptom, such as lack of sleep that affects his ability to function properly is a sign of mental disorder and can be treated through medication (Yilmaz, 2019). There are different kinds of medications that treat lack of sleep; therefore, Danny can visit a health facility, and the doctors will offer him the right medication to deal with lack of sleep. The lack of sleep affected is productivity during the day hence the need for the treatment.


In conclusion, Danny requires help to ensure him, managers, the Anti-Social Personality Disorder that might land him into trouble. The treatment will also enable Danny to complete his university education without engaging in behaviors that are criminal in the university. Danny will also have a good time in the working environment once he completes his university education. The family members and his classmates have a role to play in helping Danny deal with the challenges he is likely to face during medication. Anti-Social Personality Disorder is a manageable disorder when the patient gets the right medication; they will live their lives normally.


Saxena, H. (2018). Anti-social personality disorder. Research journal of social sciences, 9(8).

DSM-5 American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. Arlington: American Psychiatric Publishing.

Yilmaz, O. (2019). New developments and approaches in antisocial personality disorder. Klinik Psikofarmakoloji Bulteni, 29, 355-356.

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