Essay Example Comprising an Analysis of Doll's House Play

Published: 2022-03-02
Essay Example Comprising an Analysis of Doll's House Play
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Feminism Theatre
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 967 words
9 min read

A doll's house is a play written by Henrik Ibsen. It focuses on typical in-house activities with a keen look at relationship nuances. Henrik Ibsen depicts feminism through the housewife called Nora although it seems like the main intention is to showcase the self-assertion and to illuminate the social and psychological problems experienced. The play is basically written in full realization of the feminist problems highlighted in the 19th era and is particularly pointed to the whole community and foreboding the effects of psychological impacts to younger generations. Doll's house creates great value for the entire community- the recent generation and for the upcoming generations, by trying to understand how and analyze the problems facing the society masked by gender insensitivity. In writing and presenting the play in such an agonizing manner, Henrik is able to reveal and explore woman identity construction in relation to their chores and their responsibilities. The purpose of this play was to reveal the insufficiency adamant in woman's life and eliminate these unequal laws created by men which were against women. The play certainly its subject to debate with its purpose achievable to some extent and some of the laws still remaining intact and sabotaging women identity construction

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The unfolding of events on the course of the play clearly depicts that Henrik was a purposeful creator, with the story even seeming relevant now than in the past. Henrik despite being a male, notoriously created the act and set Norah as a role model for all the women seeking to explore liberation and fairness in relationships. I particularly believe this was his sole purpose given the hate women received during that era and the elevated misogynists' behavior in current era heightened by the use of social media. Women apparently have grown independent through government intervention and formation of laws favoring the girl child. This is enough reason to believe Henrik intentionally created such feminist act to advocate for equity and fairness or at least besiege government to address the problem (Templeton, 28).

It is obviously clear that the creation of Doll's house play stems from the traditional practices of Norway marriage institutions. While Henrik was a fair-minded, revealed in his view to look her woman as equal other, he was criticized by old men and people for trying to sabotage the institution of marriage. The institution had laws established which required a woman to take care of the family, make her man happy and bear children. She was also not entitled to make any decision or construct her own image (Li and Leung, 750). Women were only constrained to reading and performing home chores duties and develop feminine virtues like; sense, modesty, and order as opposed to vanity and coquetry associated with male. Thus it was from this bondage that Doll's house is established. Henrik felt that men received some undeserving favors and that all gender should be treated equally. Henrik believed that men and women should live on their own, independently rather than live as husband and wife. This initiated critic from other men and it is that believe which prompted him to write the Doll's house.

The story has been subject to many reviews as it reflects what has been there for ages and comprehensively brings out the hot feminism subject (Li and Leung, 752). Observers and readers recognize the playful, snarky, hopeful but cynical tone that the play is built. The play navigated into the modern days and it is being played on television and in modern theatres. This contemporary feat has seen the play branded as "theatre of the absurd" inspiring a consummate development of modern day society, family alienation and social critics. Observers acknowledge that the play is carefully integrated with events, symbolism, character portrayals, and settings all supporting the image and the sheer truth of life. George Brandes an early critic of Henrik work recognizes the consistency of Doll's house even attesting them to initial photographic, painting and technician prowess. He said, "his progress from one work to the other is not due to a rich variety of themes and ideas, but on the contrary to a perpetual scrutiny of the same general questions, regarded from different points of view." From this angle, we see that Henrik is a complete observer and such is the relevancy of the Doll's House play.

The Doll's house play emphasizes marriage as a fabrication of happiness evident in Norah's marriage. The end of the story in which Norah lives through the door outlines the liberty women gains after so much trouble, subordination, and inferiority. The play basically promotes and literally meets its purpose when women launched liberty campaigns seeking major and more positions in society. The major cause of these campaigns arises after the women realize that they can also think and act in their own way without being constrained by societal laws.

To sum it up, Dolls house generally tries to reveal the construction of woman identity, insufficiency adamant in woman's life and eliminate these unequal laws created by men which were against women. With the modern role played by women today, it can be argued that Henrik achieved the purpose of his writing. Basing on the freedom that women are enjoying, the kind of responsibilities and the decisions they make, it is clear that the Doll's house play is an art to reckon. I agree with the realism which the play conveys, and the perpetual truth outlined at the end of the play. Certainly, this artwork presents a great value that will remain even with the future generations.

Work Cited

LI, Fabian. and Leung, Kingsley. Effects of Evaluation of Societal Conditions and Work-Family Conflict on Social Cynicism and Distress: A Longitudinal Analysis1. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 42.3, (2011). pp.717-734.

Templeton, Jameson. The Doll House Backlash: Criticism, Feminism, and Ibsen. PMLA, 104.1 (1989). p.28.

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