Deaf Events Essay Example

Published: 2018-01-14
Deaf Events Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Society
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 629 words
6 min read

Deaf community events

Deaf events get noted as those events whose attendance get mostly constituted by the people with hearing impairments of various degree. These individuals represent persons who share similar language when communicating. In most circumstances, the primary language gets noted as that of signs. Therefore, the paper gets founded on attending a deaf or a sign language event. The task goes further to depict various observations, relations and even the experience that gets noted during the event. Finally, the paper portrays a scenario where I get to meet one individual from the deaf community and explains the experience realized.

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The deaf event that I attended got based on the screening of American Sign Language (ASL) Film productions. Many people from the deaf community equally turned up for the event, and as I entered before the movie began, I got to see more than 100 individuals whose noise level got unique nature. I, therefore, made a decision to take an aisle seat to observe how they got to communicate with each other. One of the things noted got based on the individuals exchanging hugs with their colleagues and making several signs at a pace that got blinding (Edwards 2). It seemed obvious that they knew each other. I also got to observe something on their spirit. Most of them showed signs of happiness to meet and interact with an entire community.

The experience of attending the event enabled me to compare what I learned in the classroom and what I observed about the deaf communities' protocol and culture. When going for the event I got prepared to experience some sense of boredom, but the real experience got much inspiration and love within the deaf community (Edwards 3). I got to experience that the deaf considers themselves as one people and enjoy staying together. I noted the former when making my way to the bathroom when the movie ended. They stood in groups happily making several signs at each other.

Equally interesting, I related some of the things I observed and experienced about them with the people whose hearing got no impairments. For example, passing between people signing at each other meant no harm to the deaf culture. On the other hand, passing between the people without hearing impairments gets considered as rude (Leybaert et al., 4). I also got to meet one individual from the deaf community and tried to communicate with him in sign language using the little signs I learned in class. I realized I never knew much about sign language and ended up missing 90% of what the person tried to communicate back. I got assisted by one of the tutors who happened to command the sign language although he got no impairment. Therefore, I made a decision to take a further course on America Sign Language to avoid future embarrassment and to form part of the deaf community although at a different level.


In summary, deaf events reveal a lot that one may not know about the deaf community. One vivid issue that gets noted in the deaf community gets based on their culture and belief of togetherness as portrayed in the entire paper. My observations and experiences while attending the deaf event get noted in the task and most of them get based on what ordinary people may not know about the people in the discussion. The deaf equally contrast and relate with hearing individuals in some ways as depicted in the paper.

Works Cited

Edwards, R A. R. Words Made Flesh: Nineteenth-century Deaf Education and the Growth of Deaf Culture. New York: New York University Press, 2012. Print.

Leybaert, Jacqueline, Carol LaSasso, and Kelly L. Crain. Cued Speech and Cued Language for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children. , 2010. Internet resource.

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Deaf Events Essay Example. (2018, Jan 14). Retrieved from

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