Free Essay: Decision Making and Management in Nursing

Published: 2023-09-25
Free Essay: Decision Making and Management in Nursing
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Nursing management
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 960 words
8 min read

Nurses play an essential role in enhancing patients' access to attributed and safe care. Patient safety and proper care are ensured by monitoring the patients for clinical deterioration and being patient-centered by respecting the patient's choice. Quality care and prevention of error practices depend on the nurse's adherence to safety patients' principles. Nurses are required to adhere to the organization's regulations to provide quality standards, plan for care, and identify risks and harm via assessment of the patient. Nurses’ adherence to quality standards is influenced by the patient's participation, appropriate equipment, and education.

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Quality Terms in Health Care

Quality is the capability of a doctor or health worker to use their professional knowledge in providing services to the patient or the population with increased like the hood of desired health outcomes. Quality care is vital as it assures that healthcare efforts will do better than harm. Ensuring the effective provision of services based on scientific knowledge. Nurse leaders adhere to quality standards by providing:

Value-based purchase

Value-based purchase is linking the benefactor payment to improve performance provided by the healthcare providers. The payment holds the nurses accountable for delivering quality standards (Salisbury et al., 2017). The hospital value-based purchase initiatives ensure that nurses adhere to reducing the inappropriate care, promoting quality healthcare services, and ensuring that the patients receive more value for medical treatment and health care.

Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and System

This is an instrument that measures the patient's perceptions of hospital health care. The instrument ensures that nurses improve patient's satisfaction is achieved. Patient satisfaction is the main priority in any healthcare institution—better patient satisfaction results in a high patient's retention rate.

Quality and Safety Education for Nurses

This prepares nurses with preparedness necessary to provide safe care; it also addresses their problems and provides knowledge, skills, and attitude for quality safety standards. The primary education for nurses develop pre-licensure and graduate nursing programs such as informatics.

Plan Do Checkup Act

This is a four-stage cycle that implements change to solve challenges and allow improvement in health care. The act is crucial as it provides feedback on what it works and what it does not; it offers continuous perfection for testing, upgrading procedures, and working methods.

Six Sigma

In healthcare, six sigma aims to eliminate defects and variations in processes, making procedures more streamlined, less costly, and improving the patient's care. (Altmiller, et al., 2017). In health care settings, these defects can lead to patients' dissatisfaction.

Quality And Regulatory Organizations

These are the prioritized areas on the quality improvement of services in both health and care services. These priorities are set for any individual aiming at enhancing healthcare services.

Institute of medicine

The institute of medicine has quality standards that influence healthcare delivery and managing public interest services. Ensuring that each patient is acquitted with health services without discrimination shows that health care is a human right. They also ensure the provision of health care gains for groups and populations. The institute ensures that all services provided aim at preventing illnesses and reduce disabilities. (Armstrong et al., 2017)The nurse leader ensures that individuals providing health services work to improve the quality of services offered in daily practices.

The Joint Commission

This organization's standards are based on an evaluation process in healthcare, aiming at doing an assessment and hence improve performance. In the provision of safe and high-quality care, the standards focus on essential patients and organization functions through nurse leaders. (Waxman et al., 2016)Through its state-of-art rules, these organizations set expectations that are monitored by nurse leaders in the provision of reasonable, easily achieved, and monitored data.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Quality healthcare is a priority in this organization. The Healthcare system is the focus of various quality initiatives. Through this organization, the nursing leader in decision making and healthcare choices. (Winters et al., 2016)The standards also include reporting of quality measures in all health facilities.


This organization has a standard that helps in the success of the healthcare setting. This organization ensures data accuracy through a periodic assessment of the facilities. This organization provides frequent updates on the surveys of health facilities. (Papadopoulos et al., 2017)Besides, the leapfrog standards have rules that aid in monitoring the hospital page details and benchmarking.


Improving patient safety requires nurses to adhere to quality care standards. Nurses can comply with the patient's safety principles by being provided with appropriate equipment and electronic system for sharing and communicating data. Standardization of care progressions and partnerships in performing tasks also help nurses provide safe and effective patients care.


Altmiller, G., & Armstrong, G. (2017). 2017 National quality and safety education for nurses faculty survey results. Nurse Educator, 42(5S), S3-S7.

Armstrong, M. J., & Bloom, J. A. (2017). Patient involvement in guidelines is poor five years after the institute of medicine standards: a review of guideline methodologies. Research Involvement and Engagement, 3(1), 19.

Lyle-Edrosolo, G., & Waxman, K. T. (2016). Aligning healthcare safety and quality competencies: quality and safety education for nurses (QSEN), The Joint Commission, and American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) magnet® standards crosswalk. Nurse Leader, 14(1), 70-75.

Papadopoulos, G. Z., Matsui, T., Thubert, P., Texier, G., Watteyne, T., & Montavont, N. (2017, May). Leapfrog collaboration: Toward determinism and predictability in industrial-IoT applications. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) (pp. 1-6). IEEE

Salisbury, T. T., Killaspy, H., & King, M. (2017). The relationship between deinstitutionalization and quality of care in longer-term psychiatric and social care facilities in Europe: a cross-sectional study. European Psychiatry, 42, 95-102.

Winters, B. D., Bharmal, A., Wilson, R. F., Zhang, A., Engineer, L., Defoe, D., ... & Pronovost, P. J. (2016). Validity of the agency for health care research and quality patient safety indicators and the centers for Medicare and Medicaid hospital-acquired conditions. Medical care, 54(12), 1105-1111.

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