Demographic Report: McFalls (2007) Reviewed - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-11-24
Demographic Report: McFalls (2007) Reviewed - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Society
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 645 words
6 min read


Demography as a concept references the statistical records of a given population in terms of deaths, level of income, disease incidence, and the number of births recorded. Basically, demography is the description of a targeted human population in a given social environment. The analysis of demographic data is essential in ascertaining the needs of a different population in various ecosystems. The focus of this essay is to provide a review of a demographic report prepared by McFalls (2007), citing the strengths and weaknesses of the report and providing a recommendation of how the report can be changed or improved.

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Brief Summary of the Targeted Report

The focused report was published by McFalls in 2007 and it provides statistical data on different demographic groupings of people in various parts of the world. Additionally, the report analyzes the demographics on focus based on their fertility, mortality, migration as well as population size. Also, the focused demographics in the featured report are analyzed in terms of their population composition, specifically sex, age, as well as race or ethnicity. Lastly, the demographics analyzed in McFalls (2007) report have been analyzed in terms of population distribution as well as population dynamics.

Strengths of the Report

There are several strengths that can be evidenced by McFalls (2007) report. First, the change in the different populations has been analyzed from the 1950s to the current period. Also, projections of the population changes have been made for the future periods covering up to 2050. Such projections are important in illustrating how different elements of population change have impacted the demographic variations of different groups of people. The second strength is that McFalls (2007) have utilized statistical graphs and charts in illustrating different demographical changes for various populations. In this context, the use of charts and tables is essential in enhancing the audiences’ understanding of different changes in the featured statistical data.

Weaknesses of the Report

The primary weakness of McFalls (2007) report is that it has not provided an update of the demographic changes that have occurred from the time that it was published. Additionally, that is because the featured report was published in 2007, which is more than a decade to the current time. As such, the validity and reliability of the statistical projections made in 2007 cannot reflect the status of the current events in terms of demographic variations. For that reason, it would not be appropriate to publish the same report today as it is without amending it to incorporate the demographic changes that have taken place from 2007 to the current date.

Recommendations of How the Report Can Be Changed

The featured report by McFalls (2007) may benefit from an update before being published at the current times. Additionally, this can be done by incorporating the current data on demographic changes that have occurred from 2007 to 2020. One of the best strategies that McFalls could utilize to make such changes is to reference or cite other publications that provide more recent data on demographic changes among the targeted populations. Subsequently, this would aid in elevating the reliability or validity of the featured data in the report to the audience of the current times.


In conclusion, the featured demographic report was prepared by McFalls (2007) and it has cited the strengths and weaknesses of the report. The demographic report has also provided a recommendation of how the report can be changed or improved. In the strengths of the report, the publication has covered the occurred population changes from the 1950s and also made projections for demographic changes up to 2050. Also, the report has utilized charts and graphs to enhance the audience’s understanding of the data variation within the focused period. Ultimately, the report can be improved by using more recent publications to detail the demographic changes that have occurred between 2007-2020.


McFalls, J. A. (2007). Population: A Lively Introduction. Population Bulletin, 62(1). Retrieved from:

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Demographic Report: McFalls (2007) Reviewed - Essay Sample. (2023, Nov 24). Retrieved from

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