Deserving This Scholarship Despite the Pandemic: My Story

Published: 2023-10-28
Deserving This Scholarship Despite the Pandemic: My Story
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  School Covid 19
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 613 words
6 min read


First and foremost, I believe that I deserve this particular scholarship due to various reasons. To begin, the current pandemic of COVID-19 has led to tremendous impacts on different sectors of the economy. People have become unemployed, and most sources of income have flourished significantly. It is not surprising that my mother just got unemployed, and is present with no source of income, yet she is mandated to take care of the house chores as usual. Most importantly, I have to attend school, and the requirements have increasingly hiked. For this reason, I would wish to be given this financial assistance to leverage the burden on my mom's responsibility, because I may not be able to continue with education in the absence of support.

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Why I Should Be Considered for The Scholarship

Secondly, I think I should be awarded this scholarship because of my consistent active participation in various activities. Notwithstanding, my grades have remained at par, and my future could highly be brightened if I get the help. Participating in different tasks both at home, school, and the society at large makes it more imperative to qualify for the scholarship, because I am confident, I would transform these actions into more serious projects and practical plans for my society in future after my graduation. The good grades are also promising of a better future if I can invest in my brains.

How the Scholarship will benefit me

Interestingly, it is not only me who will benefit from this award of scholarship, but also my mom, who will be relieved abundantly. Since my mom is currently using her own money to pay for my fees in school, getting this boost will help to lessen the expenses for her. I believe that she can further utilize these savings to invest in other sectors or to complete different needs which are equally substantial for the smooth survival of the other family members. As a mother without any employment, it would comparatively be difficult for her to manage all the services that need financial aid. As I have recently realized of the stress in her during her attempts to make everyone happy, and satisfied, I am submitting towards that getting financial assistance in the form of scholarship would necessarily be useful to prevent the arouse of such stressful conditions and experiences.

My Plans After Graduation and In Five Years to Come

After getting this scholarship and graduating from my University, and in approximately five years, I have ambiguous individual, family, and society plans which I am planning to accomplish. For instance, I have plans to undertake a master's program for further specialization in Business Administration. This would guarantee me an opportunity after five years to embark on the home projects in Bahama. Probably, I am looking forward to work in the field of tourism, where I will have a great chance, and the potential to render magnificent changes. The scholarship program will also help to open the way forward for my family because I will utilize this as an opportunity to enhance their living standards and perhaps, raise their cost of living.


In summary, I believe that I should be awarded this scholarship program. It will help to make considerable changes in my life, and family's life at large. Besides, it will open my ways to participate in the activities that I am currently undertaking and also to use my brains productively. Financial boosts are always an appropriate approach to help students in need to realize their goals just as it is the case for students from stable socio-economic status. It also helps to promote equity and for learners to have similar job opportunities.

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Deserving This Scholarship Despite the Pandemic: My Story. (2023, Oct 28). Retrieved from

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