Essay Sample on Design Product and Business Plan

Published: 2023-10-11
Essay Sample on Design Product and Business Plan
Essay type:  Process essays
Categories:  Leadership analysis Branding Business plan
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 651 words
6 min read

For one to have a successful development in a new product, "new product development (NPD) he/she has to be able to lay a prediction of the life-cycle of the product from the production to the consumption. When the company decides to do an estimation on the right produced, it leads to poor decision-making, thus resulting in unseen problems. In my case, my company is Apple company, and my product is Apple Solar Panels.

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Apple Inc. The company has transfigured its functioning software, and it is aiming above the limit to become the world's most reliable company (. Gunningham 2017). It is currently regarded as being powered by 100 percent renewable energy. Their goal will be achieved whereby the company has franchise shops all over the world. These franchise shops will ease the burden of the customers who wish to put an order for their products. It should be known that the stores hold the franchised shops under the rule and the acceptance of the company. The kind of technology that is used will be successful since its development is aimed at assisting the franchised shops with data collection, feedback analysis, and even accounting (Laser & Stowell 2019. The new product in the market and objectives line up with the firm because their principles are aimed at creating the success of the company as well as the brand name. Since Apple is a brand company, it possesses the directive of the product, thus making it flexible to evaluate with the changing technology.

Lean operations and lean services will not be exempted, preferably will be primarily used in both the production plan and implementation of the innovative maneuvers. They both improve the process, and the solar PV system aimed at lessening power cost and ingesting. In some places such as the port Castries, the concept of the lean enterprise was considered in-stream mapping to be able to identify and decrease waste during the operation. Apple Solar Panels decided to use panels with batteries installed to be able to care for the port. The project was ranked very high and said to be advantageous due to its attainment in harbors (Rooderkerk & Gallino 2019). The scheme's practicality was scrutinized by utilizing home software for modeling and selecting the best system of identifying the least cost option by calculating, the internal rate of return (IRT) together with NET Present Value (NPV). Societal cost such as greenhouse gas emission was reduced.

We know, the waste produced within the technological world is termed as a feature that is not needed in the achievement of the design. Apple did great in the management of waste products by establishing solar panels, which are so friendly with the environment. They achieved that by the introduction of renewable energy sources (Liu & Lu 2020). Apple Company has led factories that release waste products such as PVC, brominated spark, retardants, and even phthalates. Apple makes sure that toxic products are controlled in the products and also in every stage of their processing., Apple has applied a rule of recycling its electronic waste, to support this, the company has recycled more than 420 million pounds of electronic waste. The company made a decision whereby, as at now, every Apple retail shop will be able to take back Apple products without any cost, and they will get recycled dependably. The apple company believes that it has to be responsible for the product they produce in every stage of production from beginning to consumption


Gunningham, N. (Ed.). (2017). Corporate environmental responsibility. Routledge.Laser, S., & Stowell, A. F. (2019). Thinking like Apple's recycling robots: towards activating responsibility in a most environmentalist world. Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization, 20(2).

Rooderkerk, R. P., & Gallino, S. (2019). New product development in an omnichannel world. Available at SSRN 3399214.Liu, A., & Lu, S. (2020). A functional design framework for innovative design thinking in product development. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology.

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