Essay Example on Designing the Perfect Personal Identity

Published: 2022-03-24
Essay Example on Designing the Perfect Personal Identity
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Personality Personal development
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 598 words
5 min read

Each person is different and holds distinguishing characteristics and qualities. For instance, one has varying personalities, in that he or she can be open to experiences, extravert, or a neurotic. Moreover, persons are differentiated through values such as maintenance of a healthy balance between life and work, the importance of family, and honesty. Interests held by an individual love for cooking and baking, reading, and environmental conservation activities. Therefore, as an individual, I would love to develop personality traits such as extrovertist and openness to experiences, values such as the healthy balance between work and life, and honesty. Moreover, personal interests such as cooking and reading will be able to complete my ultimate compilation.

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Personality traits define one's inner description or expression. On my side, I prefer to be a person who is curious, inventive and consistent. Such characteristics enable one to be open to new experiences, which in turn increases the imaginative, pursue self-actualization, and being unpredictable. This trait in an eye-opener, and in most cases, it is associated with individuals who pose consistent improvement in each activity they undertake. Hence, being an active person, I would love to have such traits, which will strengthen and affirm my pursuit for a great future. Moreover, I cherish being an extravert, such that I would have positive emotions and energy toward each activity I engage in, or decide to pursue. Regardless of this characteristic being associated with attention seeking, I wish to utilize the positive side of it and bring the best out of my colleagues in the long run. Therefore, with such traits, I will be able to achieve my ambitions, mainly through the utilization of resources and people around me.

Personal values entail factors which an individual or a group of people love or wish to uphold. Hence, these features enable one to enjoy life and live desirably. For instance, I would like to establish a healthy balance between work and life. In most cases, individuals especially extroverts tend to overdo one aspect of life and forget the other. Hence, I would love to have a life where I can allocate enough time to both work and life. This would ensure that I have enough time with my family and also pursue my career goals up to I optimal point without limitations. Additionally, I value honesty at the highest level possible. Therefore, I would love to live a life where I am free and have nothing to hide. More so, I hate lies, deception, cheating, or even stealing. I would love to uphold a strong character and establish trust amongst my peers. Hence, I believe with such traits; I will be able to interact with others productively and efficiently.

Moreover, I adore personal interests such as cooking. I believe that cooking and baking are one of the few productive leisure activities which I can utilize. Nonetheless, I am a food addict. Hence I think that engaging in cooking and baking will be a productive engagement. Reading also acts as my console, especially in periods when I need to move away from others. Hence, through utilization of cooking and reading, I believe that I will have an opportunity to utilize my free time productively and optimally.

In conclusion, I would love to develop personality traits such as extrovertist and openness to experiences, values such as the healthy balance between work and life, and honesty. Moreover, personal interests such as cooking and reading will be able to complete my ultimate compilation. These would ensure that I develop into a stable and productive person, who possesses an outstanding personal identity.

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