Develop Critical Thinking with Reading: Unlocking the Power of Your Mind - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-13
Develop Critical Thinking with Reading: Unlocking the Power of Your Mind - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 691 words
6 min read

Critical Thinking in Modern Society

The ability to think critically is an integral trait of all members of society. In modern society, where people face multinational, multicultural, and complex issues, individuals are encouraged to embrace reading to become critical thinkers. As people read more, the brain is exposed to a lot of information that makes them become critical thinkers. Critical thinking is a special mode of thinking about an object, subject, content, or a problem in which the thinker skillfully analyzes, assesses, or reconstructs subject or problem. As a critical thinker, an individual becomes self-directed, disciplined, monitored, or corrective about the topic of discussion or the issue at hand. Thus, the paper presents a good discussion of how critical thinking has transformed my life.

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I am lucky to grow up in a family that highly valued intelligence. My close family members are professionals that hold high ranking jobs and receive good pay. Despite being privileged with good jobs, I have one major problem with them. They are naïve thinkers. They are self-centered individuals and always think more about themselves. With huge salaries, there are a lot of expectations placed on them to support and improve the lives of low-income members of the family. Unfortunately, that has never been the case, because they have never looked at the problem positively. They often consider low-income earners have lazy people who do not deserve a better life. As naïve thinkers, they could make a general rule of different family issues without offering reasons for their decision. Most of the time, without examining the issue, they would take one direction. For instance, as I grow up, they made me believe that those who are poor are poor because they are uneducated. However, after this class, I have realized that most people are poor, not by choice, but they are several factors that can make an individual become poor. This kind of thinking is what is called fair-minded.

Transforming into a Fair-Minded Thinker

As a fair-minded thinker, I have become inquisitive with regard to issues, I am well-informed, and before making a contribution to an issue or a problem, I ensure I have relevant information on the issue. Due to this class, I more concerned about people and the problems that they face. For instance, the kind of knowledge and experience that I have received has helped to delve my thought. As a result, before buying into any belief, I will examine and look at all the facts to get succinct information about the issue. I have undergone a mental shift, and the knowledge that I have received so far has transformed my thoughts, feelings, actions, or attitudes. For instance, as opposed to the past that I was made to believe that most poor people are poor because they are lazy, I become accustomed that most poor people if the given opportunity can improve their living standards.

Again, I have learned that in life, we need each other and should not be selfish critical thinkers. Selfish critical thinkers are individuals that are more concerned about their self-interest. They think to get what they want without considering the consequence of their actions. Selfish critical thinkers are responsible for most of the problems that are common in modern society. Due to selfish interests, most individuals are corrupt and steal from the public because they want to accumulate as much as they want to become rich people. However, the desire to control everything is the beginning of the problems that we face in modern society. As individuals, we should not only think about ourselves about the welfare of other individuals as well. Self-critical thinkers always think more about themselves and forget about others. They are full of negative energies, such as hatred, and more concerned about themselves.


As I conclude, I would advise people to become fair-minded thinkers because they are the kind of people who are needed to change society. We need each other and must always be concerned about the welfare of others in society. As a fair-minded person, we need to look at both sides of the argument without taking sides.

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Develop Critical Thinking with Reading: Unlocking the Power of Your Mind - Essay Sample. (2023, Oct 13). Retrieved from

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