Free Essay Example: Development of Artificial Intelligence

Published: 2023-04-20
Free Essay Example: Development of Artificial Intelligence
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Engineering Healthcare Ethical dilemma Artificial intelligence
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1003 words
9 min read

Artificial intelligence (AI), also referred to as machine intelligence, is the type of intelligence, which is specially demonstrated by machines and contrasts heavily with the natural intelligence by humans and animals (Scott, Heumann & Lorenz, 2018). It has developed over time drastically, making machines capable of performing difficult tasks. Development has been defined as the growth of intelligent agents, that imitates living organisms by perceiving the natural environment and taking action to make an achievement of goals. They depict the cognitive abilities of man, learning, and solving problems. It faced ethical challenges of the viability of a project that made machines have human-like intelligence. Other concerns that the development of AI raised were the issues related to the future possibilities of mass unemployment due to the growth of robotic stimulations that could easily replace the natural labor of man. With the increasing complexity of Artificial intelligence, machines that can understand human speech have been developed and are useful in military training, simulations, and delivery of content network routing. Since its inception in the year 1955, it has evolved through waves of success and failure, including the loss of funding is referred to as AI winter. The research grew intense over the years dividing into fields such as robotics (Scott, Heumann & Lorenz, 2018).AI research on the fields of reasoning. Representation of knowledge, planning of learning, and processing and manipulation of objects have led to the enhancement of the health sector in several ways. It has enabled diagnosis of disease to be faster accurate

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Effects of Wearable Technology on Physicians in the Healthcare Sector

Wearable technology has revolutionized health care and impacts the caregivers' workforce positively. They have enabled continued monitoring of patients, both their mental and biochemical parameters. The wearable technology works by detecting variations in heartbeat rates, blood pressure, the overall temperature of the body, oxygen levels in the blood, and the level of physical activities. Wearable devices used include electrocardium and ballistocardiogram (Wu, Li Cheng & Lin, 2016). There is development In the video technology that has been important in the provision of patient data. The video devices can be worn on shoes or sunglasses. There is wearable technology in health care, that are attached to the environment, such as car seats and beds. A recent evolution has enabled the technology to be attached to the skins. Smartphones are being used to collect medical data, which is later transmitted to a remote storage server for analysis. The other major innovation in healthcare involving wearable technology is the wearable devices used in measuring motion. Devices used in measuring walking patterns are an accelerometer, gyroscopes, and multi-angle video recorders; there are devices on wristwatches such as Fitbit (Wu, Li Cheng &Lin, 2016). Although there are some adverse effects on the workforce who can lose their work, especially at the primary care provider, the benefits outweigh the negatives.

The Major Importance of the Wearable Tech Includes

Disease prevention and Health Maintenance

Detection and prevention of falls among the old people have been possible by wearable technology. There are rampant reports of falls among older people between 60 and above. Most of these fall results in severe injuries that may result in hospitalization or death of the victims. The technology on the gait analysis monitors the manner of a walk among the old, and the data is used to prevent it from occurring. The devices have been used in the discovery of disruptive conditions such as seizures.

Wearable devices have been used in the detection of mental disorders or disruption among patients. Devices that can monitor conditions of the psychological conditions have sensors that can analyze the physiology progression such as the heartbeat, temperature of the body, and electrocardiograms., Children are being fitted with machines and learning-based devices, to monitor children's stress remotely. A machine such as the Support Vector Machine (SVM) Showed effective results during its test in a study (Aliverti, 2017). Other machines, such as EDA sensors sensed a little trigger, that correlated with the stress levels of an individual, hence useful in identifying the stress patterns. Other uses in sports medicine and obesity management

Management of Patients and Disease Management

Wearable technology is revolutionizing the healthcare system because of its capacity to manage patients in a hospital set up. Researchers believe that with the advancement in technology, they would be able to design a breed of point care, devices that would be used in diagnosis. The innovations include clothing, with commercial sensors that are portable, devices in emergency rooms and intensive care environments, useful in tracking changes that can be hazardous to the health of individuals (Aliverti, 2017). The devices will have wireless communication capacities to help the patients be mobile, and enable them to have the ability to track their health progress, an example of existing wearable technology used in the monitoring of patients includes the devices to monitor obesity among cancer survivors, chronic pulmonary disease patients, patients with stroke and even the patient s with mental breakdown diseases. This will lessen the work of the healthcare workforce

In conclusion, Artificial intelligence has changed industries and revolutionized the way work is done. The health sector workforce is among the beneficiaries of the technology, especially after the introduction of the wearable technology that enables monitoring and management of patients and diseases. Although most of the devices are still at the stages of production and discussion of the potential harm are ongoing, it is expected that the sooner they enter the market and the industry the better, the lives of the patients.


Aliverti, A. (2017). Wearable technology: role in respiratory health and disease. Breathe, 13(2), e27-e36. Retrieved from

Scott, B., Heumann, S., & Lorenz, P. (2018). Artificial Intelligence and Foreign Policy. Stiftung Neue Verantwortung Policy Brief. Retrieved from

Wu, J., Li, H., Cheng, S., & Lin, Z. (2016). The promising future of healthcare services: When big data analytics meets wearable technology. Information & Management, 53(8), 1020-1033. Retrieved from

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