Differences and Similarities between Heterosexual and Homosexual Adoptions: Annotated Bibliography

Published: 2022-04-01
Differences and Similarities between Heterosexual and Homosexual Adoptions: Annotated Bibliography
Type of paper:  Annotated bibliography
Categories:  Parenting
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1031 words
9 min read

Amato, P. R. (2012). The well-being of children with gay and lesbian parents. Social Science Research, 41(4), 771-774.

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The authors rely on data from research activities which reveal that kids brought up by parents from the same gender have high levels of development in their social and psychological well-being. They manage to grow up in the right way despite the social stigma they face from the society. Children who enjoy a stable and functional relationship with their parents and have some form of security are more likely to grow up and succeed in life. Despite the gender of parents, the children end up getting an environment where they can thrive despite the normal challenges faced by family units. The competency of parents is more important than their gender orientation as long as they can take care of their children.

Biblarz, T. J., & Savci, E. (2010). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender families. Journal of Marriage and Family, 72(3), 480-497.

According to Biblarz & Savci (2010), the recent past has seen an increase in the structure of the family setup. There have been lesbian, gay, and transgender families coming up with the aim of providing a safe environment for children to grow up with both parents being actively involved in the lives of their kids. The inclusion of children in the family means that parents, who are adults in the house must take up their responsibilities and ignore their gender. Therefore, in a family where both parents are of the same gender, they take up their collective roles and ensure children have security and access the basic needs.

Farr, R. H., Forssell, S. L., & Patterson, C. J. (2010). Parenting and child development in adoptive families: Does parental sexual orientation matter?. Applied Developmental Science, 14(3), 164-178.

The authors conduct a study on the differences that exist between children brought up by children of different sexual orientations on more than one hundred families. Most of these comprise of the mixed up set-ups including heterosexual and same-sex couples. The study reveals that children of either family set-up go through the same developmental stage like the rest. The results also reveal that families face similar problems and stress like in the provision and discipline as well as performance of children in schools. Therefore, as long as children develop and get the best opportunities in life, then parents' orientation does not matter.

Goldberg, A. E., & Smith, J. Z. (2011). Stigma, social context, and mental health: lesbian and gay couples across the transition to adoptive parenthood. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58(1), 139.

Goldberg & Smith (2011), note that parents who adopt children go through different stages of anxiety and depression as they worry about the future of the way their children will grow up, which is a normal occurrence. However, same-sex parents go through the same anxiety process as they face stigma from the society. This may affect their mental and emotional wellbeing. Parents remain committed to providing their children with a conducive environment where they can grow and succeed in life. After the transition process of being adoptive parents, both heterosexual and same-sex couples bring up their children successfully.

Harris, J. R. (2011). The nurture assumption: Why children turn out the way they do. Simon and Schuster.

Children brought up in different family setups turn out to be successful or may fail in life depending on the environment in which they grew up in the past. Harris (2011) insists that children from a family comprising of heterosexual parents may turn out to be good or bad citizens depending on the interaction and environment they had with their parents. This is true for children growing up under the watch of parents from the same gender. All parents strive to have their children grow up to be citizens who add value to the society.

Patterson, C. J., & Farr, R. H. (2015). Children of lesbian and gay parents: Reflections on the research-policy interface. The Wiley Handbook of Developmental Psychology in Practice: Implementation and Impact, 121.

The acceptance of mixed-families has become an issue affecting most families. People want to be in relationships where they can bring up their children in a safe environment irrespective of their sexual orientation. Legalization of same-sex marriages in some parts of the world has encouraged individuals who want to have blended families to bring children in such unions. The welfare of children and their development is the priority of most families irrespective of the pressure and negative perception from the society. The psychological well-being of children depends on the attention and love they receive at home as opposed to the orientation of their parents. The most important ingredient in a human's life is love and acceptance, and once children receive this, then they can reach their fullest potential.

Perrin, E. C., Siegel, B. S., & Committee on Psychosocial Aspects of Child and Family Health. (2013). Promoting the well-being of children whose parents are gay or lesbian. Pediatrics, 131(4), e1374-e1383.

Research conducted on children raised in families with gay and lesbian parents have shown high levels of resilience about their social and sexual health. This is because they have a solid ground at home and parents who are willing and able to give them the guidance they need in life. Children focus on the relationship they have with their parents as opposed to the orientation of their guardians. In addition, security in areas like finances, stability in the family, and social support becomes the main concern for children. Most children want acceptance and affection from their parents and space to engage in activities they want like school and interacting with their peers.

Williams, B. K., Sawyer, S. C., & Wahlstrom, C. M. (2012). Marriages, families, and intimate relationships. Pearson Higher Ed.

The authors recognize the need of every family maintaining a conducive environment as children will grow up understanding the need to nurture relationships with others. Therefore, irrespective of the family structure and set-up, it is important to provide care and peace in the house so that every member can have peace and stability. A marriage takes place between two consenting adults who understand the implications of having children grow up in a good environment. Parents should strive to have relationships with their children and be active in their lives.

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