Essay Example - Differences Between Strategic and Day-To-Day Management

Published: 2023-11-19
Essay Example - Differences Between Strategic and Day-To-Day Management
Essay type:  Compare and contrast
Categories:  Management Strategic management Essays by wordcount
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 381 words
4 min read

Both strategic and operational management are crucial for the success of any organization. Operational management deals with the organization's daily activities, while strategic management focuses on the factors that affect the firm's competitive advantage. Practical management skills are required for strategic and operational managers working in both private and public sectors. This paper compares the strategic and day-to-day management of organizations.

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The strategic and the day-to-day management of the organizations differ on the goals of both management practices. Unlike day-to-day management, strategic management makes decisions that affect the organization's future success. Strategic managers need to understand the competitive forces and the strengths and weaknesses that enhance organizational success. Taiwo et al., (2016) show that strategic managers make decisions concerning the product lineups or locations and features of the new branches and the selection of the technology systems.

On the other hand, operational management, also known as day-to-day management involves controlling and facilitating the production processes. According to Taiwo et al. (2016), operational managers deal with managing supply chains, manufacturing, production planning, inventory management, and quality control. Unlike the strategic managers who focus on the firm's competitiveness, the operational managers focus on improving customer satisfaction increasing quality and increasing the efficiency of the production systems.

Operational and strategic management requires different background skills and knowledge. For instance, Sumets (2018) shows that operational managers need skills that enhance the daily running of the organization. They are mostly suited for studies in logistics management, supply chain management, and operation, and production management. In contrast, Taiwo et al. (2016) indicate that operational managers need to undertake a course that equips them with broad-based theories like competitive strategies, economics, strategic implementation, mergers and acquisitions, and game theory.

In conclusion, both operational and strategic management are essential for the success of organizations. The strategic and operational management differ on their objectives and the background skills and knowledge needed to enter both careers. The firms should ensure that they have professionally equipped with operational and strategic management skills to ensure their success.


Sumets, A. (2018). Key aspects of the modern paradigm of operational management. Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal, 4(3), 129-147.

Taiwo, A. A., Lawal, F. A., & Agwu, P. E. (2016). Vision and Mission in Organization: Myth or Heuristic Device? The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(3).

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Essay Example - Differences Between Strategic and Day-To-Day Management. (2023, Nov 19). Retrieved from

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