Discussion Essay Example on Deductive and Inductive Arguments

Published: 2022-12-08
Discussion Essay Example on Deductive and Inductive Arguments
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Philosophy
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 488 words
5 min read

Provision of naked truth can be challenging but with the support of deductive and inductive argument can help an individual get closer to it. The inductive reasoning involves beginning with a particular confident statement while moving to the general and more significant aspect that is using facts to conclude a concept logically; it focuses on inferencing. On the other hand, the deductive argument starts with a broader perspective of an idea followed by the minor truth and finally a conclusion is made.

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Affirmative action should continue to be legal in the united states for this statement an individual can deduce a deductive statement such as the less fortunate, women and those from low class in the society are still experiencing exclusion from a higher level of education and making the affirmative action law continue being legal. While an inductive statement could be "women, less fortunate and low-class individuals have experienced exclusion from the tertiary level of education". Thus women, less fortunate and low-class people will continue to face exclusion thus legalising the affirmative action. Deductive reasoning above gives a short description which provides the best and trustworthy evidence.

Affirmative action is no longer useful in the united states. Under such an instance a deductive argument could be "low-class people and women have equity when it comes to matters of pursuing higher education despite the affirmative action rule thus making the law of affirmative action be of less importance. While an inductive argument could be "women and low-class people in united states have always been provided with equality when accessing higher education hence making the law of affirmative action less valid. The deductive argument gives the best logical reasoning since the inductive approach can easily be questioned and proven wrong since there has been no equity when pursuing tertiary education for both women and less fortunate in society.

The idea that arts should remain an essential part of the public has both deductive and inductive approach. Under the deductive method, an individual would come up with a statant such as "arts as an essential element of education helps in increasing students' knowledge". Thus, making art necessary in remaining as part of the curriculum. An inductive statement could take another direction that is "In ancient times arts help increase knowledge of student".so arts remaining relevant as part of education. The best argument is that of inductive reasoning because in the past there was a positive effect on students' knowledge.

The aspect that arts should not remain an essential part of public education deductive statement could be "The arts waste a lot of time for student". So, the art is abolished and not to remain as part of public education while an inductive statement could be " long ago arts wasted students time".so, arts should not remain as an essential element part of the public education.

Work cited

Jones, Rebecca. "Finding the Good Argument OR Why Bother With Logic?." writingspaces (2010): 156.

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