Disillusioned Experience - Personal Experience Essay Sample

Published: 2020-04-27
Disillusioned Experience - Personal Experience Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Personal experience
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 552 words
5 min read

Six years down the line, I was obsessed with becoming a footballer. Back then in Valencia, Venezuela, thats all I could think about. I could never have imagined that something could change my mind and make me think of another hobby. Fate snatched my presumed destiny at the age of fifteen when I broke my leg. It was not easy for me to accept that I will not get back to my dream of becoming a soccer player. Since then, my mind has churned out ideas without settling on anyone. Eventually, I realized I needed to have another hobby that will replace my previous one and which will not require a lot of motion. I settled on DJ, and I have I am lucky to have developed a passion for it.

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I started it all by playing pre-recorded music for my own. I was doing it to keep my mind on thinking about what I thought was a big loss to me. To my surprise, I realized it was giving humor and happiness. Passion for becoming a DJ started developing, and I was soon obsessed with completeness. I started yearning for more, playing the pre-recorded music to my friends during parties. They hailed my work, and I felt it could be the same if I do it for an audience; a huge crowd. I desire to move the crowd, to do the work that will shake the world, and everybody will know that disability is not inability.

I will always take another step towards achieving my new dream. In order to do take a professional approach towards my hobby I have opted to join a tertiary institution where I will study recording of arts in details. No doubt I will be interested more in mixing and editing. Even though other aspects such as music recording, video game audio and TV and film recording will be significant, I am certain that my interest centers at mixing and editing. I enjoy more while gathering various elements of a recording, cutting and pasting some, adjusting their level and producing something completely different from the original raw material. I am hoping that a career in the recording of arts will help me to enhance my skills of splicing tracks together and making new and exciting remixes.

Identifying what I wanted to replace my previous hobby was a significant decision for me. I was able to take music and technological courses that can make it easier for me while advancing my passion in higher learning institutions. I have previously participated in theater programs where I did live sound recording. I am confident that these skills will be central while I will be pursuing my recording arts career. These events have helped me to become creative and observant. My little skills have helped me to improve my communication skills and it is incredible of the kind of satisfaction this is giving me. I am now able to realize even the slightest change in the music industry, to know what people want and to use my creativity to make it even better. I am hoping that by the time I will be through with my studies in recording arts; I will be somewhere closer to some of the top DJs that I look up to like DJ Swivel.

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