Paper Example on Disorders of the Reproductive Systems

Published: 2023-01-30
Paper Example on Disorders of the Reproductive Systems
Type of paper:  Research paper
Categories:  Medicine Anatomy Healthcare
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 657 words
6 min read

According to (Acton, 2012), the reproductive disorder is a medical condition where the reproductive system does not function the way it is expected to function naturally. These disorders are different among male and female gender due to the difference in their physical structure. These disorders can be acquired at any life stage, for instance, there are millions of infants born with this disorder. In other cases, people develop these disorders due to medical conditions or diseases while in other cases, accidents can be the cause. Reproductive system disorders can change person figure, for instance, women with tiny or no functional breast look different from normal ones (Acton, 2012). Other disorders are inside the body, for instance, infertility and thus cannot be easily detected. Road accidents, diseases, and accidents such as fire are the leading cause of physical reproductive system disorders. Some of these disorders can be permanent while others can get cured with time. Similarly, most of these disorders are curable even though the procedures can be expensive (Acton, 2012).

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Reproductive Systems disorder has been a big challenge to many both men and women. The biggest problem being that people shy off from seeking help from other people in fear of stigmatization and misunderstanding. These types of disorders affect a person's lifestyle and the way people relate with them. stigma is one of the main problems people with such disorder suffer from. Victims may feel depressed and also think that they are neglected as a result of their condition. This paper is going to specifically tackle disorders in men. The common reproductive system disorders in men include infertility, erectile dysfunction, reproductive system cancer and injury on external parts such as testicles (Jones & Lopez, 2013).

Infertility is a problem to millions of male species in the world where one can not produce sufficient sperms necessary in reproduction (Jones & Lopez, 2013). Infertility in men is considered as abnormalities in production or functioning of sperms which may result from diseases such as mumps, diabetes, chlamydia or genetic defects. Some of the symptoms of infertility include low or no sexual desire, pain in the reproductive system parts, ejaculation problems and erection problems. People suffering from this problem suffer also from stigma, isolation, bullying, and denial of basic rights like responsibilities as a man. They may end up with psychological conditions such as stress and depression (Kandeel, 2007).

Kandeel (2007) postulates that erectile disorder is a medical condition also known as impotence where one cannot maintain firm erection during intercourse. It is mainly associated with stress, depression, diseases such as blood pressure, diabetes and so forth (Kandeel, 2007). Main symptoms include, trouble getting an erection, reduced or no desire in sex and difficulties in maintaining an erection.

Both disorders mentioned above share a lot of things in common especially problems associated with them such as stigma, depression, neglection, and marital problems. Both of them can be treated once medical assistance is sort (Jones & Lopez, 2013). Both disorders share common causes such as physical injuries, genetic complications, and diseases such as cancer.

These reproductive system disorders can result from genetic problems or feature inheritance from ancestors. When that is the case, treatment gets complicated and in most cases, treatment may not be possible or else too expensive. Therefore, when carrying out a diagnosis on reproductive system disorders, it is vital to determine whether anyone in the patient's family lineage has had the problem to aid define a cure. This could provide useful information to determine the best kind of treatment to offer (Acton, 2012).


Acton, W. (2012). The Functions and disorders of the reproductive organs in childhood, youth, adult age, and advanced life, are considered in their physiological, social, and moral relations.

Jejeebhoy, S., Koenig, M., & Elias, C. (2010). Investigating Reproductive Tract Infections and Other Gynaecological Disorders: A Multidisciplinary Research Approach. Cambridge University Press.

Jones, R. E., & Lopez, K. H. (2013). Human Reproductive Biology. Academic Press.

Kandeel, F. R. (2007). Male Reproductive Dysfunction: Pathophysiology and Treatment. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

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