Essay on Divergent Views on Homosexuality: A Theological Discourse

Published: 2023-12-28
Essay on Divergent Views on Homosexuality: A Theological Discourse
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Gender Religion God
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 625 words
6 min read

Once I engaged in a controversial debate concerning the topic of homosexuality with an Orthodox Christian. The conversation quickly gravitated into a heated engagement because of our hardline positions regarding how God views homosexuality as a sin. I began, “what is your opinion concerning diversity and the right to choose sexual orientation?” he replied, “my opinion is that God views it as a sin.” “What does that mean?” I implored. “Exactly what I said, it is a sin against God and, therefore, my opinion is that it is wrong.” He replied. At this point, both of us knew that neither one of us was going to burg from his hardline stance.

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“That is so bold of you, can you speak for God?” I annoyingly inquired to which he calmly replied saying. “Please understand that the Word of God speaks for God, I do not say these things of my accord but from reading the Holy Bible and specifically the commandments of Jehovah. In them is a direct prohibition of homosexuality.” After a brief moment of silence, I continued. “But, how come He created some people gay and some straight? Do you think a person chooses to be a homosexual or is the person born like that?”

“My brother,” he exclaimed looking at me menacingly and continued “God did not create man to sin, however, sin came into the world when Adam fell in the garden of Eden, that is why some people become gay, they were born in sin through Adam’s posterity.” “I am confused, how does that relate to the topic at hand?” I probed. “You see” he added, “Adam and Eve invited Satan into their hearts when they ate the forbidden fruit in the garden, the fruit was the beginning of all forbidden things that God warned us against. It was only a matter of time till man made a habit of disobeying God’s laws.” He ended.

Sounding enlightened I exclaimed “Aha! I see it now. Adam and Eve’s transgression is like a malfunction that multiplied into all sin that God forbade us from committing through his laws that He gave to the Prophet Moses.” “Yes, indeed, that is right” he responded and continued saying “believe me brother like Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, we also have a choice to side with Satan or with God Almighty. You see, Satan stands for all that opposes God, and that includes breaking God’s laws.”

“I get you now my brother in Christ. I now perfectly understand why God considers homosexuality a sin” I resolved and added. “Moreover, I have come to the knowledge of the truth concerning why God forbade homosexuality since its root is even a more innocent sin of eating the forbidden fruit in the garden of Eden.” “Yes, you are perfectly right on this conclusion my brother” he exclaimed. “Thank you very much for enlightening me on this issue and endeavor to preach the Gospel to more like me so that we can accept God’s perspective on homosexuality” I commented. “It was my pleasure,” he replied as we concluded our discussion. Hence, we departed each of us on our way contented with the discussion and how it ended. More importantly, I had developed an understanding of God’s perspective on homosexuality through the explanation of an orthodox Christian whose explanation of sin made it possible for me to accept God’s forbiddance of same-sex intimacy and romance.

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Essay on Divergent Views on Homosexuality: A Theological Discourse. (2023, Dec 28). Retrieved from

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