Diversity Verses Inclusion

Published: 2023-01-10
Diversity Verses Inclusion
Type of paper:  Critical thinking
Categories:  Policy History Analysis Technology World
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1323 words
12 min read

The concept of cultural diversity involves a variety of cultural or ethical groups that coexist within a given society (Shore et al., 2011). Notably, cultural diversity tends to affects the business organization and management in some ways which in the long run affects the overall outcome. It is imperative to note that, the cultural diversity exists in more than one dimension but are in constant coordination and engagements in the manner in which the limited resources are utilized within the society. It is worth acknowledging the absolute fact that the ideal concept of cultural diversity is essential since it increases creativity and helps set a diverse set of solutions to solve specific problems. Significantly, this paper intends to explore the dimensions existing in the cultural diversity, identifying what the cultural groups have in stock as well as providing an in-depth clarification on the differences existing between diversity and inclusion (Shore et al. 2011).

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Dimensions of Cultural Diversity

The cultural aspects involve the psychological approaches or the value constructs which can be used to describe specific cultures. Conversely, the cultural dimensions help create social connections among various individuals in society to ensure effective management of the organization. Notably, the existence of the cultural aspects of the workplace is considered an integral element upon which the general organization of the business. The cultural dimension involves sexual orientation, ethnicity, and parental status as well as education and in the business environments (McVittie et al., 2008)


Individualism and collectivism is a cultural diversity that tends to describe the relationship between the individuals and their innate connection to the groups particularly in the business sector (Shore et al. 2011). Significantly, as a dimension of cultural diversity, the individualism involves an approach which focuses on a particular individual rather than the members of the groups in the society. Tentatively, for effectual output as well as effective business management to help utilize the available resources (McVittie et al., 2008)

Power distance

The power distance is considered one of the commonly employed cultural dimensions particularly at the workplace (Shore et al. 2011). It is imperative to note that, the power distance focuses on the extent in which the fewer power members of the institution, for instance, the family expects and accept that the existing authority and power is distributed equally. Significantly, the power distance is embodied in the international experience as it ensures the equity in resource allocation which when effectively employed increases the magnitude of production in the society. The fact on the ground is that diversity exists. Naturally, some organizations are more equal than the others; therefore the resource allocation can never be equitable.

Masculinity and Femininity

Masculinity as a cultural dimension entails a society whose gender role is pegged on distinct social gender roles. According to this dimension, men are supposed to be robust, secure with a significant focus on material success. On the other hand, the female is supposed to be the most modest, tenders and majorly concerned with ensuring the quality of life. It is imperative to note that, the productive societies and organizations rely entirely on the masculine and feminism cultural dimensions and organize active labor force used in the coordination and the general organization of the business.

Uncertainty Avoidance

Uncertainty avoidance involves gaining a clear sight of the danger looming in the future and avoiding them in time. Tentatively, it focuses on the level of tolerance and ambiguity within the society thereby avoiding the risks as well as the losses that might affect the regular operation of the business organization within the community. It is worth acknowledging the absolute fact that, a low ranking of uncertainty avoidance suggests that society has fewer concerns about the ambiguity. More significantly, in attempts to avoid the uncertainties, the communities along with the business organizations tend to employ strict rules, safety and security measures as well as adopting philosophical approaches to help minimize the risks.

Cultural Groups and Social Circles

The ethnic groups with which this research paper is recognized with is the African-American since the composition involves both the individuals from different geographical dimensions. It is imperative to note that, this culture is considered one of the most active lifestyles since it is inclined into various social circles in the entire society. On the other hand, the community just like many other things is split along given subsections such as class, locations, by basis of education but is subjected to change. Notably, the social courses visible in the society are pegged on the experiences, principles, affinities as well as the acquaintances.

Difference between Diversity and Inclusion


The diversity which involves arranging of cultural aspects in the society tends to affects the management as well as the general economic dynamics in any business engagement. On the other hand, the ideal concepts around the inclusion ensure effective co-ordination where all human beings are included within a group or any basic settings. Ideally, the concepts of diversity are considered different from the inclusion approaches within an organization as it purely focuses on the peculiarity of the individuals found within the organization. It is imperative to note that, diversity brings out the I deal differences existing among various groups of people within the society. It majorly focuses on gender, religion, disability as well as sexual orientation. Diversity provides the needed platform for the compelling exploration of peculiar differences in a safe, positive to nurture the immediate environment without eroding the existing paradigms.


Inclusion within the organization is considered the most inclusive approaches where all the individuals have slotted a portion within the society or in the business enterprises (McVittie et al., 2008).More importantly, the inclusion approach focuses on embracing equity in almost all the entities within the organization or the entire organization. Just like diversity, inclusion also focuses on national origin, age, race as well as ethnicity. Significantly, an inclusive culture makes people feel respected and valued for who they are as an individual or a group which in the long run increases the overall production in terms of the output within a business or an organization.

Importance of Workplace Diversity Training

I dearly, the concept of diversity at the workplace is granted an essential tool as it provides the needed avenue to exploit arrange of resources available. Through workplace diversity, individual or group of people tends to explore the expertise fully in different areas of specialization within the workplace. On the same account, it is revealed that through diversity people from the diverse background can quickly come together in the society or the organization to explore the objectives to meet the desired and intended goal.

Personal Experience with the Workplace Culture

My understanding and innate knowledge at my workplace depicted an organization which has no idea on what diversity and inclusion mean in an organization. It is imperative to note that, based on such existing history the organization does not fully acknowledge the origin, race, religion as well as the extensive expertise one has. Significantly, the entire productivity of the organization due to a lack of adequate organization skills which encompasses both diversity and inclusivity within the organization.


In summation, the ideal concept of diversity which involves a variety of cultural or ethical groups is considered the most effective approach that ensures maximum productivity in the society. It is imperative to note that, even though diversity in the work place is not embraced effectively in various organizations, it provides the avenue where the religious, disability, as well as the sexual concerns, are addressed. On the other side, inclusion which involves a constant involvement of individuals or groups of people within the organization. Based on the in-depth research it is confirmed that maximum productivity relies on the inclusive approaches


McVittie, C., McKinlay, A., & Widdicombe, S. (2008). Organizational knowledge and discourse of diversity in employment. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 21(3), 348-366.

Shore, L. M., Randel, A. E., Chung, B. G., Dean, M. A., Holcombe Ehrhart, K., & Singh, G. (2011). Inclusion and diversity in work groups: A review and model for future research. Journal of management, 37(4), 1262-1289.

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