Essay Sample: DNP Education, Practice, and Policy

Published: 2022-11-15
Essay Sample: DNP Education, Practice, and Policy
Type of paper:  Course work
Categories:  Knowledge Nursing management Healthcare policy
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 720 words
6 min read

The DNS represents the topmost level of preparation in nursing practice looking for those who are seeking cares that are focused on the scholarship of clinical practice and integration. Nursing schools in 2004 connected with the AACN proposed to increase the level of education of the nurses from a masters degree to doctorate for advanced practice. This act raised the expected level of the education from the master's degree to the doctorate for the four APRN; Clinical Nurse Specialists, Nurse Anesthetists, and the Nurse Midwives among other nurses.

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DNP programs major heavily on the practice which is innovative and has evidence reflecting the application of plausible research findings. As a research subject, nursing scholarship gives information on science, enhancement of clinical practices and impinging best practices for educating nurses as clinical officers or leaders. The nurses who were prepared by the DNP hold several roles with the health system. By the description of the DNP, a nurse who has completed the program is entitled in either advanced practice duties or with an organizational focus.

The DNP prepared AARNs are introduced to serve in dual duties synchronal practicing at the system level to have a broader touch on patient and system results based on health arena. The AARNs are trained and prepared to face any challenge that may face the current issue that affects the health centers'. The DNS nurses are informatics, public health, application of implementation and quality improvement. Duties such as the chief information officer, director of evidence-practice among other positions are the position that the DNP prepares for the nurses (Ahmed, S. 2012).

As it focuses on undermining the interventions best support, the combination of knowledge into practice has essentially shown improvement in science and putting in place research that is relatively new subjects. While the subjects are the research disciplines, the concept is associated with a high level of nursing practice. Nurses prepared by DNP many times find themselves associated with a team of the researcher.DNP nurses with the preparation based on DNP are uniquely qualified to join the gap between the researchers because they have a better understanding of the central concept in organizational systems, concept translation, implementation, and research.

The DNP nurses have possession of breath and in-depth knowledge to answer these questions and lead the translational research in the aim of improving the care. The nurses are prepared to review and appraise data critically systematically. The current and yet to be clinicians need more than just good in diagnosis but also in data analysis that is available. They acquire skills that are intended to fully practice this new knowledge in the clinical practice that leads to improvement of results which are measurable while being able to give an explicit intervention as expected (MORAN et al. 2019).

Other DNP component such as ethical issues and health policy comprises of the modern-day health care, and they are of more importance just as understanding the pathophysiology of diseases. A good example is that the DNP prepared nurses have advanced practices in particular to eliminate the outdated practice obstacles that will lead to access care. Of the obstacle is the federal restriction of nurses being able to give a prescription for patients who are a heroin addict. However, these nurses who are DNP prepared are on the frontline to administer this change.

Due to advancement practice, the nursing programs have transformed to the doctorate level, and we can now put a question whether a person can go back to school for the DNP. While there will be a discussion about the different variety of DNP programs that are offered it's, therefore, useful to put I mind the unique contribution of these clinicians with unique education.

Conclusively, the DNP degree is available here today, and it's free for thousands of clinicians who are practicing the system. As the number of the DNP graduates grow more and more, we do expect a massive workforce which comprises of nurses who are doctorally prepared to meet the wants of the consistent changing health care system.


Ahmed, S. (2012). DNP education, practice, and policy: Redesigning advanced practice roles for the 21st century. New York: Springer Pub.

MORAN, K. A. T. H. E. R. I. N. E. J. (2019). DOCTOR OF NURSING PRACTICE PROJECT: A framework for success. Place of publication not identified: JONES & BARTLETT LEARNING.

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