Essay Sample on the Speech Don't Like - Get Out There!

Published: 2020-06-10
Essay Sample on the Speech Don't Like - Get Out There!
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  United States Literature Research
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1269 words
11 min read

Don't Like - Get Out There speech, by Franz Johnston, who is a pertinent playwright in contemporary society, was published in The New York Times in May 2011. The speech was geared towards getting the attention from a very diverse readership, because of its capable consumers of all ages. The author depicts dominant matters in a unique way through his speech. In this case, the author's theme raises the awareness of the narcissistic tendencies in the modern technology and the way it affects the modern world and society. His speech addresses particular issues that target a young audience. The writer attempts to inform about the narcissistic tendencies of the modern technology. Consequently, he tries to inspire the youth to embark on life with passion, and encourage them to live a real life and have relations with real people.

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Despite the fact that the original speech was given at a graduation ceremony in Ohio, which with no doubt aimed at the youths, the article manages to reach an immense international influence in the entire journalistic agenda. As written before, his speech addresses meticulous themes that target a younger audience, given the weight of the matter in which he talks primarily of a changing society. The audience is full of excitement and impatience. Therefore, Franz is indebted to bring out his message in a manner that captures the audience attention. For instance, Franz speech is evaluated through the weight of his words within various paragraphs. Hence, the assessment is anchored in the sense that the author talks of a shifting society that mostly focuses on technology that suits a particular age group.

The essence of presenting such a viewpoint is to demonstrate that modern mobile features like the voice commands amaze the author. This notion adds value to this discussion because Franzs speech has a way of connecting to the young audience, based on, how he adores modern technology, which is a significant element of the contemporary society. His choice of words where he mentions cool gadgets are the reference statements. In contrast to the number of the elder generation, of whom are often critical towards social media, he includes himself and uses self-irony to keep a positive atmosphere between himself and his audience. As an example, he shares a narration of his personal life; as evidenced in the following line, But then a funny thing happened to me. Its a long story, but I fell in love with birds. I did this not without significant resistance because it is very uncool to be a bird watcher (p. 11, Act ll. 238-242).

As a Speaker, Franz has wisely chosen how to convey his message in a reserved way. Hence, he often uses personal pronouns such as we, our and us to support his neutrality between his audience and himself. He shows how he masters the English language by using linguistic features such as ubiquitouslyextremely and immensely which helps him to support his ethos and express his thoughts. Apart from that, he also makes use of the rhetorical questions, for example, at the end of the speech he says, And who knows what might happen to you then? (p. 12, ll. 301-302.

Concerning how Franz addresses particular themes that target a younger audience regarding a changing society, Franz discusses matters of technological advancements through a segment in the introductory paragraphs, where he mentions the blackberry phone. In this instance, he comments on the mobile technology that forms part of the modern society. The author has commented on the developing technological advancements comparing his last phone to a recently bought phone. The moral of such a discussion is that he tries to elaborate to a young population group on the effect of dwelling on the past as an individual.

Franz is making a clear distinction between narcissism versus selflessness. The author aims at setting up a contrast between narcissistic tendencies of technology and the problem of actual love. (p. 10, ll. 142-145). He describes the technological devices as being the power between the human itself and its mirror, and the wild, anthropomorphizing projection of technological devices. With this description of the modern technology, it shows how social media, as Franz also points out, affects love and amiability towards oneself. We deny ourselves to be truly loved and respected, and with that, he makes a point out of the objection of the people, They are however great allies and enablers of narcissism. Alongside their built-in eagerness to be liked is a built-in eagerness to reflect well on us. Our lives look a lot more interesting when theyre filtered through the sexy Facebook interface. (p. 9, ll. 123-127). Franz manages to convince us about the exaggerated use of social media, and the way it affects younger people, regarding how they look and who they are.

Franz has also portrayed himself as an eloquent author in the way he engages the young audience in his speech. For example, Franz explains different types of modern phones, which are familiar to the youths. Franz talks of the replacement of his Blackberry gadget; formally, he was using a Blackberry Pearl, but later changed to a Blackberry Bold. This engagement of modern device excites the young audience and makes them attentive since they are well-connected to the Blackberry phones. Another way that shows Franz as an author engages the youth is when he talks of the iPhone device that works like magic. Thus, the young audience is made to imagine beyond the ordinary world. For example, Franz explains how the new gadget can make an Image look bigger than the ancient ones. This application relates to the magic actions of the magicians of the old days. This application increases the attractiveness of the new technology gadgets. Franz mentions the word relationship in his arguments in the speech, and this segment points to the fact that he is observed about his immediate environment and different established relationships or attraction that people have in the world. This viewpoint gives the young audience an impression of a growing relationship between convenience, technology and products. The statement also gives the impression that the world is a place that relies primarily on fashion. A good way to illustrate this presumption is where Franz talks of late-model gadgets. As an opinion, Franzs speech plays a significant role in educating the youthful population within different environments.

Throughout the speech, Franz manages to keep the audience and readers engaged as he uses both personal example and self-irony, which helps him strengthen his ethos and making him more reliable. He successfully achieves his intention by using rhetorical questions and linguistic features, and by that, he inspires the audience and readers to follow their way, and not fall into the narcissistic black hole. The subject itself is playing an important and very relevant role in the present and the modern world. It explicitly makes the reader think about how much the technology and social media has indeed changed and developed in the past years.

In Franz terms, this text is very likable. It achieves many of the things that preceding commencement speeches have. It is witty and lighthearted while it touches some deep subjects of love and identity along the way. Ultimately, it inspires to follow one's path in life-based on what one love rather than what one want other people to think of them. It teaches selflessness to care rather than to like whether it be birds or humans. Therefore, this is a strong and imperative message for young graduates as they embark on future adventures. However, the text barely contains any logos, which would have elevated the authors credibility on the subject.

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Essay Sample on the Speech Don't Like - Get Out There!. (2020, Jun 10). Retrieved from

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