E-Marketing: Driving Business Advantage in the Egyptian Market - Essay Sample

Published: 2023-10-29
E-Marketing: Driving Business Advantage in the Egyptian Market - Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Marketing Business
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1678 words
14 min read


E-marketing is recently one of the digital milestones that most of the Egyptian organizations conceptualize in taking market advantage by yielding more sales than their competitors. This E-business lies in either business-to-customers or business-to-business categories depending on the e-marketing practices involved. To better understand the role that E-business technologies play in advancing business processes and the best use of E-marketing technologies, the report focused on one of the largest company, MRCO, performing business-to-customers E-marketing practices. The report included the E-business Overview, E-business Model, the Hierarchy of marketing strategies, implementation, and measurement and evaluation for the E-marketing activities.

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E-business Overview:

MRCO company specialized in designing the website, development of websites, offers SEO, SEM, development of E-commerce and digital marketing applications and Facebook advertisements, among other services. It originated in 2004, and it is operating in Egypt since then up to date.

Range of Products and Services

The company provided products and services to the customers through E-marketing practices that marketed their products in a faster way. The company develops websites to other organizations that come as customers depending on the user specifications that they prefer for optimal simplicity and flexibility for their users. This approach involves making original websites from scratch to avoid fraud that could lead to damages leading to loss of their resources through unauthorized access of information that is confidential to the customers. It also did website designing that for their customers in case they need extra features that could improve their performance. Similarly, some organizations preferred using MRCO company in advertising their products via Facebook due to their high reputation that could lead to a positive turn up of customers for their products. In addition to the website development and designing, the company focused on creating digital marketing and E-commerce applications that assisted its customers in performing online marketing of their products.

Market Segments

The organization based their E-marketing on the four market segmentations. These segmentations that MRCO company relied on include: demographic, psychographic, behavioural, and geographic segmentation. Demographic segmentation was the primary one in dealing with customers who wanted web development and digital marketing applications. It assisted them in performing statistical data about the users of these applications to ensure consumer satisfaction. Simplicity and flexibility of the systems developed depended on these factors concerning demography.

Psychographic segmentation helped the company in understanding the type of products and services that their customers depending on their personalities and characteristics. It was important in handling customers in the right way to increase potential customers. Since these segmentation factors are subjective, it acted as a market advantage to gain more share in the market. For instance, the company could use this segmentation to effectively offer aftersales services to their customers like giving warranties and guiding customers on the use of the applications offered differently depending on customer understanding. They also used this segmentation in identifying customers who much relied on their products through the way they valued their status and quality.

Behavioural segmentation helped the company to understand its customers better since it focused on the way customers acted, unlike demographic and psychographic segmentation that entail on physical identification of the customers. This segmentation assisted in understanding customers' habits in purchasing; thus enabling it to offer some products at instalments payments after deposits. Revealed customers spending habits, the user status for the applications it developed to its customers, and the correct interactions that they ought to exercise within the market.

The last segmentation utilized by the company was geographic. This segmentation is the simplest of all, helped the organization in grouping its customers depending on the underlying geographic borders since it operates and covers many states where its customers originate. Consequently, it was vital in identifying the authorized security policies in developing and designing their applications to avoid their customers being given penalties or closure of their systems due to violations of their states' business laws. They used ZIP code for customers to search for its services more conveniently. Other factors involved under this segmentation included city, country, location certainty using its radius around it, climate, customer residence that could either be urban or rural.

E-business Model:

Value Proposition

The company utilized innovative models that increased people who liked and demanded its products through the implementation of various E-marketing models. One of these models included display advertisement that brought advanced ways of directing both potential and prospective customers to the page that held their products. It simplified and increased the number of clients who visited the advertised products and hence increased its sales (Warokka et al., 2020). This approach came up as pop-ups in a webpage that one was currently in and once he/she clicked, it directed them to the advertising page for their products.

Email marketing was another E-marketing model that the company used to link up with its customers on various fronts that enabled significant value exchange to its product consumers. Marketing via this platform comprised of promotional offers as well as confirmations for shipping concerning users' surveys and knowledge about distribution that through tailoring met the needs and wants for the users. It provided the organization with an opportunity to evade excessive email that never aligned to the critical information about their transactions. It also evaded fraud in communicating to the customers since email marketing and practices unsubscribed in every financial year were detectives by the Internet Society's Online Trust Alliance to enhance communication.

Search marketing used by the company improved online existence and traffic through both paid and free strategies found in search engines. The company preferred marketing Search Engine Optimization. This platform provided a cheap means of advertising for their products and services. The clients who visited its products online could range their efficiency and quality of their products with comments that could allow the accessible collection of information about their products for customer feedback that open room for quality improvement. The use of search engines enabled primary search results in addition to videos, images and local listings that not only get shown but ranked according to the relevancy.

The company marketed its products through social media platforms and connected with the intended customers by building their brand. This strategy increased sales through this advertising model since it gave a chance to publish a lot of content concerning its brand and products in all its social media profiles, communicating with the followers, carrying out analysis of the results, and advertising through multiple accounts in the social media platforms. These tactics helped the company to expand its E-marketing advertising practices to and extend on doing it for its customers due to the advanced reputation of its brand and earn revenue.

Revenue Models

MRCO earned revenue via affiliate through the promotion of referral links that relate to products as well as getting commission from each product sold. Due to its reputation in the market and large share, it leveraged its products and stood to gain (Al-Khasawneh, 2020). It also included offering customers with particular recommendations that related to purchase history and earn from the initiative.

The company used Pay-Per-User model that offered customer with a chance to access the set of chargeable features for only the services received. Since the software never agitated for physical delivery, it led to quick deployment at a low price hence highly sensible for implementation.

Advertising by the company through Facebook attributed to a significant amount of traffic that resulted in turning the traffic to revenue directly. The medium popularity witnessed by the customers, including big organizations, advertise via its medium and pay at the end of the service.

Market Opportunity

The organization had a great opportunity in the market according to the statistics about customers who inevitably wanted technology. Web development and web designing are vital tools for people to access organization (customers) that had orders with MRCO company. Since its products and services were in high demand, there was a chance of increasing production volume leading to more sales in comparison to their rivals. It opened ways for the organization to gain competitive advantage and hence leading to improved market share.

The Hierarchy of Marketing Strategies:

The organization focused on E-marketing and stipulated various objectives that led to planning for effective and appropriate strategies to achieve those goals. It opted to ensure efficient communication, customer interactivity, and transaction of its products and services.


It aimed at passing information about the products and services that it intended to sell through advertising. This information reached customers via various platforms, and hence it ensured that customer location at different scenarios was achievable. This goal was achievable through ensuring security in communication to avoid fraud that could lead to access to confidential information.


The advertisement platforms used by the company majorly catered for interactive opportunities that could allow customers to access vital information concerning its products. They could also make comments about their response to the consumed products and services, leading to the collection of vital information concerning aftersales services.


The primary goal for the company to prefer E-marketing was to make a secure and flexible transaction that could cover a considerable distance. This approach was possible, especially for the services that the company offered to the end-users by altogether avoiding physical delivery where they could pay as they use (Joshi, 2020). The transactions could easily get made since the users could pay before access to the requested service.

This report about the MRCO company reveals that it is vital for every company that plans to expand its market size to prefer E-marketing. This process of advertising goods and services is a fast way and more convenient.


Al-Khasawneh, R. O. H. (2020). Cost-Driving Strategy Under the Use of E-Business to Achieve a Competitive Advantage in a Digital Economy Environment. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 12(1), 1-70. http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ijef/article/download/0/0/41632/43194

Joshi, V. C. (2020). E-Marketing. In Digital Finance, Bits and Bytes (pp. 165-189). Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore. https://www.palgrave.com/41264

Warokka, A., Sjahruddin, H., Sriyanto, S., Noerhartati, E., & Saddhono, K. (2020). Digital marketing support and business development using online marketing tools: An experimental analysis. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(1), 1181-1188. https://www.psychosocial.com/article/PR200219/9595/

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E-Marketing: Driving Business Advantage in the Egyptian Market - Essay Sample. (2023, Oct 29). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/e-marketing-driving-business-advantage-in-the-egyptian-market?pname=speedypaper.com

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