Early childhood education

Published: 2019-08-16
Early childhood education
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Students Literature Government Personality
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 427 words
4 min read

The government should implement a quality program for early childhood education in the schooling system. The curriculum should make a provision for playing, music, arts and engagement in quality language. Further, a provision should be made to train teachers specifically in early childhood education. Various centers for early learning should also be established in different areas across the entire country. This will ensure that every Australian child goes through an excellent early childhood education system.

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On this issue, the argument is that the government should intensify its efforts to ensure that every child gets access to high quality early childhood education. This also translates in the professional practice as the children who benefited from good early education are prone to go through the entire education system easily and therefore become better professionals, (Foucault, 1977). I strongly believe that if I had the privilege to go through a strong early childhood education, I would have got my mind opened up early, acquire more confidence and ability to outstand in my profession. I have struggled with pessimism, low self-confidence and low self-worth which I believe should not have been the case if I had gone through early child education. At the very early stages of development, children in a good learning environment are able to identify their areas of strength, talents and gifts and work on them early. They also tend to be aware of what they want in life early and pursue it with limitless enthusiasm.


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Early childhood education. (2019, Aug 16). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/early-childhood-education?pname=speedypaper.com

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