Early, Middle/Late Childhood

Published: 2023-10-15
Early, Middle/Late Childhood
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Leadership analysis Culture Art
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 625 words
6 min read

The toy under discussion is the LeapTv, which is an electronic phonic toy. It is a video game system for young children, where they interact and play different educational games. The target user for the game is mostly the boys, and that is because they love to play video games on screens compared to their counterpart games (Santrock, 2002). Also, the age of playing with electronic phonic toys is where there is a tremendous explosion in the learning ability of these kids and it becomes quite a good time to introduce interactive educational toys that teach children areas of tech math or verbal skills.

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The toy is appropriate for the age group of kids between three and six years because it is the age of crafts. The child begins to have the capability to concentrate and thus can take advantage of the small muscle control on their hands (Pate et al., 2016). In cases where they are playing with blocks, the child is working to build a tower of more than nine cubes.

The parent should get such a toy for the kid because it teaches them self-help skills that they need to improve. Children in such an age group can feed themselves, unbutton clothes and also large zippers. LeapTv game helps the kid play different games using their body, a pointer and also a handheld controller.

The purpose of the toy is to connect the child with electronic learning using online games that they enjoy. The features of the games found on the online system include the favorite Disney characters of the kid; hence they learn as they move and have a lot of fun.

The influence of the toy is to make learning as easy as playing a game (Pate et al., 2016). The toy helps to teach preschoolers safety rules by playing the games on the package of the video game system. The toy also teaches the child that success makes success. The parent has the role of praising the child when they see them using good safety habits that they saw.

The toy serves both the purpose of entertainment and learning. It allows them to play with their favorite characters and choose games that are more fun as they learn. The toy influences the child's physical, cognitive development as they learn why a particular thing happens and for what purpose (Santrock, 2002). Children between the age of three and six years use their magical thinking to solve problems and also explain things. A parent should be keen to explain to children about their emotions age give a reason for why it happens that way.

The toy could be improved by ensuring that they offer quite a challenge for the child such that there are levels to the games the child wishes to play. When they are done with one educational game, they move to a harder problem to tackle, and that makes it fun as the development stage seeks to make the know how to deal with challenges (Santrock, 2002). The video game has to teach the child skills of problem-solving hence games have to make the child engage in negotiating, planning and trying various approaches to advance. The toy could also be improved by customizing the appearance of characters to allow for creative self-expression, deep understanding of rules in the game, and also the structure.


Pate, R. R., Hillman, C. H., Janz, K. F., Katzmarzyk, P. T., Powell, K. E., Torres, A., & Whitt-Glover, M. C. (2019). Physical Activity and Health in Children Younger than 6 Years: A Systematic Review. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 51(6), 1282-1291. https://europepmc.org/articles/pmc6527328/bin/nihms1521578-supplement-supplemental_data_file___doc___tif__pdf__etc___-_2.docxSantrock, J. W. (2002). Life span development: (16th Edition). Perkembangan masa hidup. Jakarta: Erlangga, 31.

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