Eddie Gathegi a Prominent American Actor - Paper Example

Published: 2024-01-25
Eddie Gathegi a Prominent American Actor - Paper Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Movie
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 619 words
6 min read

In the world of entertainment, many individuals have played the part to make it successful. Many people in Europe as content but in all contents are spending most on their televisions to relax their mind. Movies are one of the largest entertainment segments that individuals depend on in their leisure as a source of refreshment. For these movies and videos to be complete, actors and actresses are involved. Concerning this, there is a popular actor known as Eddie Gathegi.

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Eddie Gathegi is a Kenyan-born American actor. He was on 18 March 1979 in Nairobi, Kenya. He has appeared as a recurrent character in TV series shows as Dr. Jeffrey Cole. His acting creativity has primarily influenced the popularity of the actor in most of his movies. He has been involved in different TV shows and films, including; Startup, X-men, The Twilight Saga, Blacklist, into the Bad Lands, and Grand Theft, which made him more prominent since a massive crowd has watched and liked the movies.

The actor other than being an actor, music is one of his hobbies. Despite music as his hobby, he has a love for basketball he played during college life. He had a dream of joining the NBA team. The actor has completed his dating life and has entered into a stable relationship. He has married a Romanian lady Adriana Marinescu. She is a dancer, actress, model, and also a designer. He got engaged in the year 2018(CHAUDHARY, 2020). Eddie Gathegi chose to become an actor after healing a knee injury in a basketball match. He started exploring his options, grew an interest in performing art, and started attending Tisch School of Art in New York.

An actor needs different mindfulness or issues that will help them concentrate more on their work. Eddie Gathegi has such values as; meditation, including spiritual meditation, focused meditation, and movement meditation (Brown, 2015). These practices have various benefits to the actor. First, meditation helps to relieve any stress in the mind and also relax the mind. Also, it helps the inner workings of the mind, which also improves the actor's creativity. It also helps to reduce brain chatter. It will also help in focusing the mind on any upcoming events. An actor is built with many anxieties. Meditation helps to control this anxiety. Actors need to be flexible to complete their duties. This practice gives Eddie Gathegi body fitness and reduces body weight. Reading an article is another mindful practice engaged by this actor.

Meditation is a helpful mindful practice, and there a various reasons for choosing it. First, actors come across multiple circumstances while performing their scripts. Their mind gets exhausted and needs to be relaxed. Besides that, I needed more concentration while acting. So this actor needs some meditation time to gain more attention. It will also help them overcome any destruction that may come with their duties, including sexual destruction and motivational destruction. Reading a novel gives someone the morale to do more things and also get motivated.

These practices become more evitable and crucial to Eddie Gathegi as an actor. They can apply in his life in different ways. The first way to use them is to pay attention to the mind and the body, pay attention to their tastes and preferences, and focus on their experience and plans.

I can create a planned schedule on how the individuals can perform the practices. He should perform the exercises late at night after all his duties to relax the day's activities. Before starting a new script, he should perform the activities too.


Brown, K. (2015). A historical and conceptual overview of mindfulness. Retrieved 8 December 2020, from.

CHAUDHARY, R. (2020). Entertainment Edi Gathegi Dating Status To Family Details | Everything Uncovered. Retrieved 8 December 2020, from.

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