Essay Sample: "Education as Part of Mankind" Education and Virtue in Frankenstein

Published: 2022-11-08
Essay Sample: "Education as Part of Mankind" Education and Virtue in Frankenstein
Type of paper:  Literature review
Categories:  English literature Frankenstein Romantic literature
Pages: 5
Wordcount: 1131 words
10 min read

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818), humankind begins to receive education as part of humankind. Education is giving or receiving of instruction either in school or based on how the society enlightens their people. Virtue is also taken into consideration. Mary Shelley has given the society a new phase on the good behavior and moral in life. During the authors, time education was not widely available for every child in the society. Being a basic means of development and transformation Shelley addresses the impact of education in society and reaches out to different audiences through his book. Human brain acquires knowledge from various sources, and through this, thoughts get to interact. Education is a background and key factor to success in the society. It is used as a tool to enlighten and show direction. In the essay, I will address education about Marry Shelley where she portrays it from three character's self-education and success in their various degrees. I will explain the role that education has played in the society about the text, virtue based on societal center. It is exemplified to a greater extent.

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Shelley brings out clearly on the theme of education through the characters she uses in the text. The characters engage with various education levels. The characters; Victor Frankenstein, Robert Walton, represent the various degree of education victor goes to the university that he pursues his studies. Victor teaches himself to read and to talk, and this is clear evidence of education in Shelley's text. All of them were self-educated; they have different perception and view on education. Their views towards education are positive among some characters, to give an example of Victor. Victor is one of the characters takes education positively and works towards his desire for success. Education is viewed to be more discriminative towards women. Men are more privileged towards education, but women are left to face domestic life and not education like men did. Frankenstein is the third character is the most classically educated. He portrays on how struggles and efforts mentally cope with the desire for knowledge (Shelley, 23). The act of learning that the three characters undergo is evidential to the writer of the text Shelley has covered the theme of education. Mary Shelley has brought about a new phase and outlook to women of different interest in the society. Through her texts, women have learned that they can be authors and interact with different thoughts regarding educational levels. Women have been given a new view and psychology that they can do different subjects and nothing is specifically made for men. Scientific courses are for both the gender.

The desire and motivations from the characters used in the text are based on education. Frankenstein has a desire and attitude for knowledge. This is also accompanied by his thirst for knowledge. Death of Frankenstein mother also causes misuse of education. Education was meant for men only. Women were considered to be weaker as compared to men. This act of degrading women was evidence of discrimination in education based on the sex that could affect women more.

Marry Shelley talks about the creation and destruction of the man considered as "monster." The self-education of the monster is in pattern with different learning procedures. The first being the discovery of the fire. This is education based on the humankind. Humans learn in procedure that helps them out easily to learn from one character to another as it is in the text. Enlightenment is also visual in the novel. This is from the demonstration by Shelley's thought, her thoughts through Victor's character. Frankenstein who is a scientist that is dealing with an intellectual challenge seeks valued education in Ingolstadt.

When the Frankenstein was written education was highly valued, and it was rare. In the Marry Shelley' writing, Education was associated with gentry that meant that it was a characteristic that separated the people of low education called commoners. Therefore a learned person is considered to be above than the commoners. The character that is considered to be above and highly educated is Victor. Shelley made the creature equal to Victor. They are therefore both counterparts to each other (Shelley, 34). Therefore to tell the one above the other, the creature would have to be educated.

Virtue being good moral and behavior is taken into consideration by Shelley's characters. ("I learned, from the insights of social life which it developed, to admire their virtues...") (Chapter 15) It is highly found on the outside the society instead of being in the center of the societal people. The monster in the novel portrays virtues in a higher way than his creator. The creator does not show sense kindness or sensitivity. The monster response is of great appreciation and with joy. This act of the monster is clear evidence portraying that virtue is covered in Shelley's novel.

The characters in Shelley's novel cover various subjects one being moral of the lesson of knowledge. Walton and the Monster have the urge of acquiring more knowledge so that they can continuously and actively undertake their interests. This act is evidence that Shelley's novel talks on how his characters are of good moral and show good behavior. Victor is one of the characters that exhibit the good and high standard in Shelley's novel. He is ambitious in whatever he does, and he is also intelligent. Victor's parents are kind and loved all their children. The parents of victor are an example of good and responsible parents in society. The act of taking Victor to university is a good act that serves as an example to society.

Mary Shelley portrays Elizabeth to be a woman with good morals. ("Elizabeth was calmer and more concentrated disposition"...) (Chapter 2) This is evident from the behavior that she displays that seems to be of her standards. She is seen to be feminine and not leaving out her being the backbone of Frankenstein. In general, the women in novel Frankenstein are strong are obedient because they did what was supposed of then. This is an act of good moral. This is because they could be regarded to be weaker, but still, they could cope up with the tough life hey engaged through. The creature from the novel also portrays human characteristics that are also moral and good. This is concerned with its act of sympathy and affection the creature portrays

In conclusion, we can see how Mary Shelley has covered at large education at large. Women are also able to be part of education despite them being excluded from education. Some characters are also able to attain high education due to their urge and aspiration in education. Characters used in the novel also show virtues. This is the good morals portrayed through their acts and actions.

Works Cited

Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein: The 1818 Text. Penguin, 2018.

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Essay Sample: "Education as Part of Mankind" Education and Virtue in Frankenstein. (2022, Nov 08). Retrieved from

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