Educational Perspectives in the 12th Congressional District Race: Granger vs. Putman - Free Essay

Published: 2023-12-11
Educational Perspectives in the 12th Congressional District Race: Granger vs. Putman - Free Essay
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Education United States Government
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 796 words
7 min read

The constitution of the United States of America has the provisions of the House of Representatives, which has a mandate of forming and passing federal laws. Also, the other House of the United States is the Senate. Thus, included in the government's congressional branch is the House of Representatives. One of the hottest races happens in the 12th Congressional District. During this primary, United States Representative Kay Granger, who is the former mayor of Fort Worth and a Republican is seeking a 13th office term. She will compete against a Democrat Chris Putman, who is a 50-year-old city councilman of Colleyville. Moreover, Putman was the biggest rival of Granger's election challenge during the republican election in 24 years. Also, Granger is the highest-ranked Republican on the Appropriations Committee, and she has drawn President Donald Trump's endorsement. This paper discusses the issue of education and elucidates how each candidate stands different from this crucial element.

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I selected the issue of education to distinguish the candidates. Education is a crucial element to me because, in politics, every day involves chatting about the state of the world among leaders, and everyone makes their mark on the political landscape in the country. It is through education that interest develops and such includes political interest. Besides that, education provides guidance even to usual teenagers shown how to lead (Rhodes). The transformation of schools needs to be accelerated.

Each candidate stands differently on the level of education and their opinion on the matter. On the other hand, Kay Granger was a former teacher. Because of her education level and knowledge, she also served on the Appropriations Committee (Weatherford ). Also, as a parent and an educator daughter, she has seen tremendous victory happening in classrooms and even the challenges faced by teachers, students, parents, and the education system. Furthermore, Kay Granger trusts domestic school boards but not the federal government in deciding on behalf of parents regarding their children. As an opponent of Kay Granger, Chris Putman has an education degree from Oklahoma University. Additionally, he is competitive and has a master's degree. Thus, he is experienced in education matters and therefore has a greater understanding of as seen in her opponent.

Education is essential in the United States since it plays a crucial role in creating opportunities and enhancing the country's prosperity and competitiveness. Education is evolving rapidly, and in America, a significantly higher level of education (Bok). Thus, it is clear that federal lawmakers should be encouraged and empowered to make decisions related to children and parents. The increase of access should be enhanced in education since it is through these ways that students learn (Goldberg & Lynette). Hence, education is critical in the United States and thus a key element.

As indicated in the Texas Tribune, Kay Granger is the highest-ranked Republican woman. However, her reelection is stiff compared to her opponent Chris Putman. Moreover, she is seeking her 13th term representing the Fort Worth District. Chris Putman is a primary challenger of Kay Granger. Moreover, rising concerns have it that Granger is not well loyal to President Trump. Granger is a quiet deliver who concentrates on her work of returning to her district and the whole city. She has led the development of a fighter plane in her position on the Appropriations committee. Also, the Texas delegation had rallied behind her before but narrowly won. Also, Dallas Morning News reported that Granger told a crowd that she would not forget them after the victory.

Works Cited

Bok, Derek. Higher education in America: Revised edition. Vol. 87. Princeton University Press, 2015.

Goldberg, Lynette R., et al. "Peer review: The importance of education for best practice." Journal of College Teaching & Learning (TLC) 7.2 (2010).

Rhodes, J. An education in politics: The origins and evolution of No Child Left Behind. Cornell University Press, 2012.

Weatherford, D. Women America Politics. Sage. 2012.

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Educational Perspectives in the 12th Congressional District Race: Granger vs. Putman - Free Essay. (2023, Dec 11). Retrieved from

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