Effectors of Development - Free Essay Example

Published: 2024-01-02
Effectors of Development - Free Essay Example
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Career Childhood Development
Pages: 3
Wordcount: 623 words
6 min read


There are highlighted social elements that influence one's thinking about their life, particularly education endurance and career choice. One's beliefs are always shaped by both innate and external aspects of their journey of life. In every phase of a person's life, one may experience an impactful event that may motivate them to achieve certain things in life (Shriner, 2014). Life-changing events can be categorized into childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Certain things happen in one's life through the above stages, which could lead to life-changing decisions.

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Child Care

I recently read the life-changing story of a successful young African currently living in the United States. The story is thrilling because he narrates the mistreatments he faced under the Apartheid regime, yet he acquired a University degree, and he is now living his dream life. He narrates that as a child, he was brought up in a shanty setting; there were no people around him who could be pointed out as role models. Teachers at school were his role models, simply because they were the only 'reasonable' people around him (Shriner, 2014). He emulated what his teachers were telling him, and desired to be one of them once he grew up. The physical environment dictated what the narrator had, insofar as role model options were concerned. Probably, if he was exposed to a hospital environment, say, for instance, if one of his relatives was working in a hospital and led a successful life, maybe they wouldn't have thought of teaching as the preferred profession.

Teenage Environmental Change

In his teenage life, however, while in high school, he met one of his uncles working as a journalist. The fascination that one could make a living by having a conversation with people and sometimes through filming events resulted in his previous aspirations. He started seeing journalists as the better profession based on his innate capabilities (America Psychological Association, n.d). The narrator met with a professional who later changed his thinking completely at an event they attended with his mother. When he mentioned to his mother about the new career, his mother asked the journalist to give them his number so that they could keep in touch after the event. They used to communicate more often than not. Their constant communication served as a reminder that he had found a course insofar as a career choice was concerned.

Physical Influence

As the narrator was entering University after high school, he knew what he wanted to study. His career choice was decided. While on campus, his motivation was finetuned when he watched a popular show on the TV. After watching the once most-watched shows in the U.S. society, he realized that he could initiate his own show with his degree in Journalism. The physical appearance of the show was intriguing and acted as an embodiment of authenticity. In essence, his career choice was determined by a culmination of environmental change and childcare (America Psychological Association, n.d). His mother helped in his career development by enabling her son to maintain close contact with the journalist.


Some events change one's life wholly based on their perceived innate connectedness. In most cases, career choices and even most decisions in one's life are determined by their intrinsic and external factors. One is likely to follow the career path of those around them, especially if they feel innately connected with the career and demands. In retrospect, a person's career is usually a culmination of significant events that contrive them to settle on one. These events occur from childhood through to adulthood.


America Psychological Association. (n.d). Understanding developmental psychology. https://www.apa.org/action/science/developmental

Shriner, B. (2014). Essentials of lifespan development: A topical approach. https://content.ashford.edu/Bookshelf

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