Free Essay about the Effects of Childhood Obesity in America

Published: 2018-01-12
Free Essay about the Effects of Childhood Obesity in America
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Health and Social Care Medicine Diet Childhood
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1670 words
14 min read


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The standard definition of obesity has been changing with time. It has been described by percent of ideal body weight; triceps skin folds, absolute weight, and weight-for-height percentiles. Today obesity is being defined by the aspect of body mass index (BMI). Despite the fact that these measures reflect marginally extraordinary parts of body arrangement or body estimate, they are respectable all around associated with body fat, even in growing children. Although the absence of constancy in the anthropometric measure, according to Bagchi (152) the level of obesity fluctuates from study to think about. For the dominant part of studies, a BMI more notable of a weight-for-tallness more prominent than 120% of perfect was viewed as obese.

Pediatric obesity in the United States is one of the pressing nutritional problems that is facing children. According to Eagle, (52), over a third of children in the United States are obese which is about 28 million children all over the country. Since 1980 the percentage of children with pediatric obesity has doubled by that is from 5% to 12.4 %. The percentage of children's aged between 2 to 5 years has increased from 5% to 12.4 %, while the age of 6 to 11 years, it has grown from 6.5% to 17% percentage and for children aged 12 to 19 years, the age has tripled from 5% to 17% (Van and Volpe, 398). Today, the international organizations have documented a report of comparable increase rates in obesity and if the problem is not resolved, then with time it will become a global challenge to public health.

Long term effects of childhood obesity

The effects of children obesity may be significant to some children, but the effects of metabolic are already apparent to these young children. Children with severe obesity suffer grim morbidity. The obese youngster may create hepatitis, gallstones, expanded intracranial weight and rest apnea. Truth be told, there are few organ frameworks that obesity does not influence in youth. The concern has been about prodding, segregation, and victimization of obese kids. In this case, the discussion below gives the diseases that emerge from obese together with the social impact of children with obese.

According to Bagchi (183), obesity is sleep apnea in children which is caused by the back fatty tissues at the throat that block the floe of breathing from the nose to the lungs especially when one sleeps. The protruding fats in the throat into the airway is caused by the relaxation of neck and throat muscle when one is sleeping hence causing total or partial obstructed normal breathing interrupted for some time mostly 30 seconds. In this case, one is forced to wake up and turn in another position to allow the flow of air into the lungs. Although this happens, still the quality of sleep is poor during the night, but at daytime, the obese children experience frequent sleep which has negatively impacted the work performance of children in schools. This is because they experience a period of tiredness mostly during the day because of lack of enough sleep at night. The proven Medicare for sleep apnea is through a surgical operation to remove obstructive tissue. This obstructive tissue causes hypoxemia dues to large adenoids from chronic airway obstructions condition whereby there is a low circulation of air in the breathing system (Bagchi, 242). This can result in the long run outcome in hypertension in the blood vessels that convey blood to the lungs and cause thickening of the dividers of the right ventricle bringing about heart disappointment. A condition firmly identified with obstructive sleep apnea is called the Pickwickian syndrome with scientific name hypoventilation syndrome. This happens when some fat stores in the abdomen and chest are so great that the chest and diaphragm cannot move in a normal manner. The affected individual has to work much harder to breathe and needs more oxygen for this extra work. However, less oxygen is available since the lungs cannot expand normally. Also, when any part of the lungs does not fully develop, the blood cannot get its full supply of oxygen causing hypoxemia. As in obstructive sleep apnea, sleep quality may be poor and at daytime sleepiness is common.

Obesity in children also causes dyslipidemia and hypertension glucose intolerance these results from insulin resistance and additionally involved in the pathogenesis of polycystic ovarian disorder and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Unmistakably the expanding commonness of type 2 diabetes mellitus in children and youths saw in many parts of the world, is ascribed to the parallel increment of childhood obesity predominance, as a consequence of the undeniably rich environment, we now live in. Ten years prior, below 10% of childhood diabetes in the United States were influenced by type 2 diabetes. However, as of now, type 2 diabetes represents up to 33% of all childhood diabetes, and also roughly 50% of all new pre-adult diabetics, as the risk of type 2 diabetes increments amid puberty. It has been evaluated that 10% to 25% of obese children may have weakened glucose resistance and 4% may have noiseless diabetes (Van and Volpe, 398).

Health effects of childhood obesity

Obese children can experience the ill effects of orthopedic inconveniences, including strange bone development, degenerative disease, and torment. Certain orthopedic issues are incorporated into the various antagonistic wellbeing impacts seen with overweight youth. The bone ligament in a youngster is not sufficiently substantial to manage the additional weight. 30 to half of children with certain agonizing hip conditions are obese. In children, overabundance weight can prompt to bowing and abundance of leg bones. Both of these above conditions can prompt to deep rooted issues and often require surgery. A late review demonstrated that obese children who have had lower leg wounds would probably have diligent lower leg torment over some months. Obese children have a tendency to end up distinctly obese grown-ups and with this comes huge expanded danger of osteoarthritis and degenerative joint disease in the lower furthest points and especially the knees and hips. This has prompted to the pattern for expanding quantities of consistently younger patients requiring knee joint substitution as of late. Overweight youth additionally often think that its hard to take an interest in regular physical exercises.

Menstrual abnormalities are also one of the effects that are observed in young female children. Obese girls are seen to encounter before menarche, ordinarily before ten years of age, with regards to the theory that body weight and fatness are necessary physiologic triggers of menarche. Alternately, amenorrhoea or oligomenorrhoea is additionally connected with obesity, as obese female children as often as possible generate hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) driven again by insulin resistance coming about because of instinctive adiposity.

Obesity is emphatically connected with disease of the heart and blood weight in a few ways. To begin with, obese individuals seem, by all accounts, to will probably build up the disease of the coronary veins which are the vessels that supply the heart muscle with blood. Bloodstream in those courses can be hindered because of a perplexing procedure called atherosclerosis which is more regular in obese than in non-obese children. Blockage of coronary courses can bring about part of the heart muscle to kick the bucket. After a heart assault, the heart will be unable to pump sufficient measures of blood to other indispensable organs, for example, the brain, lungs, and kidneys which may bring about death. Obesity can specifically influence the heart muscle autonomous of its impact on the coronary conduits condition called obesity cardiomyopathy. One path in which obesity appears to prompt to coronary artery disease is to bring about issues, for example, unprecedented blood cholesterol levels or hypertension. In this sense, obesity is a circuitous reason for coronary artery disease, implying that its impact on the heart and blood vessels happens because other unusual conditions have effectively created.

Negative effects of childhood obesity

In obesity, the biliary discharge of cholesterol is expanded on bile corrosive and phospholipids emission, improving the probability of gallstone development. Despite the fact that gallstones in children are often connected with basic conditions, for example, hemolytic infection, childhood obesity represents the greater part of gallstones in children without hidden conditions. Obesity is correlated with 8% to 33% of cholelithiasis found in children (Van and Volpe, 398). The relative danger of creating gallstones in overweight high school young ladies was assessed to be 4.2%, and another risk considers likewise incorporate metabolic disorder and insulin resistance.

Despite the fact that numerous children appear to be content with their weights, other may have poor pictures of their body structures and turn out to be socially pulled back. Some experience genuine discouragement and may require psychotherapy or medicine. Guardians realize that heartbreak of having obese children prodded by other children, or being informed that they don't have the self-control to shed pounds or those different families couldn't care sufficiently less about them and their wellbeing to adjust the issue. Children who are obese and need to get in shape often give dependable dream of doing what other children do, wear a similar garment, and be welcome to parties among others. On the off chance that they don't build up those connections that their companions have, some may grow up lacking social aptitudes and may experience issues in being acknowledged, shaping the closeness and fundamental for marriage. The negative mentalities of non-obese children toward the individuals who are obese or unique are shaped ahead of schedule in life.


In conclusion, today obesity is being defined by the aspect of body mass index (BMI). In the United States, pediatric obesity is one of the pressing nutritional problems that is facing children. Today, the international organizations have documented a report of comparable increase rates in obesity and if the problem is not resolved, then with time it will become a global challenge to public health. Children with severe obesity suffer serious morbidity. Obesity is sleep apnea in children which is caused by the back fatty tissues at the throat that block the flow of breathing from the nose to the lungs especially when one sleeps. Obesity is strongly associated with disease of the heart and blood pressure, menstrual abnormalities, insulin resistance, obstructive sleep apnea and gallstone development.

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