Empirical Evidence of the Benefits of Community-Wide Physical Activity: An Essay Sample

Published: 2023-01-21
Empirical Evidence of the Benefits of Community-Wide Physical Activity: An Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Strategic management Business strategy
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 1006 words
9 min read


Community preventive service force has come up with findings which are grounded on facts that aim at improving the health of the population. Kegler and Allegrante (2016) argue that the practice is aimed at improving the health of the community and the world's population at large. The community preventive service force is made up of a group of the medical practitioner which comes up with better recommendations that are aimed at eradicating disease and thereby improving the health of the people involved in the prescribed practices. Getting out to perform physical activity is often easier for some people especially if they are to join up with other people to support and give motivation to one another.

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Bringing up community together for physical activity helps people to share with one another about the knowledge they have concerning physical active, appreciate the benefit of becoming physically active and remove the bad attitude towards physical exercises (Zhang, 2017). It, therefore, comes without contradiction that physical activities have an uncountable number of benefits to human health. Some of the benefits of physical activities to human health include limited risks of getting diabetes, obesity, certain types of cancer, cardiovascular disease and musculoskeletal conditions. Despite the known benefits of engaging in physical activities, only a small percentage of people turn out to perform physical activities (Kegler & Allegrante, 2016). The community-wide base campaigns have really helped people to realize the importance of physical exercises hence improving physical fitness among adults and children.

The task force came up with a number of recommendations which are evidence-based. The recommendations are about the economics and effectiveness of physical activities on human health. In FY 2015, the task force came up with empirical evidence concerning the cardiovascular disease and the research showed that people who were involved in regular physical activities were less prone to a heart attack as compared to their counterparts. About 25000 deaths in the United States are linked to lack of or insufficient physical exercise. The study indicated that a large number of people who engaged in physical activities registered resistance to Cardiovascular disease while in the contrast there was an increased number of incidences of Cardiovascular in people who were not involved in any form of physical activity or another (Zhang, 2017). The study also revealed that involvements in physical activities in a community lowered mortality rate as many people remain active and fit hence developing resistance to diseases.

The study also revealed that patients who got diagnosed with heart diseases and took part in physical activity exercises registered an improvement in health. Most of the patients were able to return to work early and also expressed self-confidence and less stress and anxiety (Kegler & Allegrante, 2016). The research also found that most people who developed heart attack and participated in physical activity exercises had their death rates reduced by 25%. This is strong evidence that indicates the significance of physical activities in patients suffering from a heart attack.

The task force came up with various recommendations to increase physical fitness and activities among people making it effective in spreading physical activities and physical fitness in a community. This, therefore, serves as empirical evidence that the strategy of the community-wide campaign has really helped in increasing physical fitness among people as well as improving on physical activities. Kegler and Allegrante (2016) argue that among the interventions for increasing physical activities in communities include informational approach, point-of-decision prompt approach and mass media campaigns approach.

Informational Approach

The informational approach aims at boosting physical activities in the community by providing valuable pieces of information to people on the need for physical activities and fitness. It aims at changing the people negative perception and attitudes towards physical activities and physical fitness and makes sure that the change is retained in them over time. Zhang (2017) reasons that the information approach focuses mainly on using an educational approach to provide information to the community as well as presenting information about cardiovascular prevention and the best practices to reduce the risk of getting it. It also provides general information concerning physical activities and other forms of exercises. This kind of information is aimed at providing awareness of the importance of physical activities, various forms of exercises, the need to perform physical fitness exercise regularly and various ways of overcoming the bad attitude about physical activities (Kegler & Allegrante, 2016). This develops an active community that is physically fit and not prone to diseases. This kind of information is mainly provided via health education in classrooms, community-based campaigns, campaigns by social media and campaigns by mass media.

Point-of-Decision Prompt

This approach encourages people to embrace the use of stairs as opposed to elevators or elevators. Zhang (2017) believes that this comes with many benefits such as weight loss and other health benefits. When one climbs stairs, they burn calories in the process and this helps in loss of body weight for the people who are overweight.

Mass Media Campaigns

This intervention is used to broadcast messages to a wide range of audience on the importance of physical activities in enhancing the health of both adults and the young ones. The main objective of the campaign is to enhance knowledge, change people's behaviors and influence the attitude of people concerning physical activities (Kegler & Allegrante, 2016). The information is disseminated via varieties of channels such as radio, newspapers, television, and billboards. This strategy will ensure that the community is informed about the significance of conducting physical activities hence they will always engage in such activities as a way of enhancing their health hence living an active health style.


Kegler, M. and Allegrante, J. (2016). Standards for Reporting Research Results. Health Education & Behavior, [online] 43(5), pp.497-500. Available at: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1090198116668519 [Accessed 15 Jun. 2019].

Lin, J., Zhuo, X., Bardenheier, B., Rolka, D., Gregg, W., Hong, Y., Wang, G., Albright, A. and Zhang, P. (2017). Cost-effectiveness of the 2014 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) Recommendations for Intensive Behavioral Counseling Interventions for Adults With Cardiovascular Risk Factors. Diabetes Care, [online] 40(5), pp.640-646. Available at: http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/40/5/640 [Accessed 15 Jun. 2019].

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