HRM Essay Example on Employee Engagement Strategies

Published: 2022-05-27
HRM Essay Example on Employee Engagement Strategies
Type of paper:  Report
Categories:  Management Human resources
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1757 words
15 min read

All the organization employees receive regular communication through their emails, and voice call through mobile phones. Additionally, the organization often organizes Town Hall Meetings to pass any critical message to their employees. Fundamentally, this company has always encouraged its employees to produce journals and other employees' publications as a motivation strategy embraced by the company. CVS Company has a Code of Conduct and Ethics Hotlines which guides the employees on how they are supposed to interact with one another in the organization. Moreover, the organization has Employee Intranet Portal in which the employees can share their ideas with one another.

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While working in this organization, there are problem-solving processes and procedures that one needs to follow in case of any conflict. Innately, this organization has networking groups among all its employees. Each group has a team leader, and the organization always conducts training programs through these groups. Within this organization, there is a career initiative program to improve its employees' productivity. Lastly, the company has wellness programs and initiatives of strengthening its employees. The organization also has right policies on employing its staffs. They give priorities to people with disabilities and train them in various ways. As the management put, they have managed to aim at the skilled, productive workers with disabilities who have also been instrumental in making extraordinary contributions to the economy and society at large.

Global Talent Management

In this organization, talent management has been severely taken, and in fact, the firm considers people with talents ahead of others when they are doing their recruitment. As their policy, they develop, hire and attract top talents around the country. They have identified gaps and skills, put in place plan and remedies for them, for every potential and current employee. They have implemented a global succession management program for positions at all levels. Based on their diverse task force and policy of recruitment after every month, they can attract and maintain employees with talents within their ranks (Kavanagh, & Johnson, 2017). The organization's top management has created a culture of identifying top skills in different departments of the organization and nurturing them.

Corporate Social Responsibility

The firm has been actively involved in various corporate social responsibility initiatives. For instance, it has done this through CVS Community Grant Programs along with CVS health foundation. In this case, the firm offers grants that are aimed at augmenting healthcare to the entire population. In doing this, the organization positions itself to improve access to the quality healthcare services that entails promoting smoking cessation and offering for chronic disease control measures. They provide care for those who need it most. For instance, Arlington Free Clinic received a grant from the CVS Health Foundation to help care for uninsured and underinsured patients.

Incontrovertibly, this company recognized and awarded Colgate-Palmolive as one of their supplier of the year. According to them, these suppliers are the ones whose programs and initiatives have championed the sustainability of the organization. They have continuously helped veterans find meaningful careers. Many soldiers have little or no experience to apply for civilian jobs. They have seen this as an opportunity to give back to the community and help them whenever needed. They have expanded healthier food and beverage offering to more than 2900 stores countrywide and reached out to many students with prescription drug abuse education through their Pharmacist Teach Programs. Lastly, they have introduced Be The First initiative to help deliver the country's first tobacco-free generation.

Human Resource Technology

CVS Health Care and ODEP Alliance have entered into a partnership to ensure effective and outreach communication in the organization. Therefore, use of electronic media and print has been made as the way of dissemination of information in this firm. In connection with this, both CVS's and ODEP's websites are used to convey information. They offer technical assistance to all their employees through identification of expertise assets which are likely to provide opportunities to all persons and specifically to people with disabilities. In collaboration with ODEP, they have developed demonstration programs which involve the use of technology. They have embraced modern technology and trained all their employees to adapt to their new equipment and machines that they are using for treatment of a patient.

Employment Law and Human Right Issues

Concerning the matters of employment law and human right issues, the organization has scored highly. First, the organization has encouraged employees and advised them of their rights. As well, they have proper channels of complaining. Principally, this organization does not wait for the outcome of other processes to resolve issues, as an organizational policy, they do not adopt the wait and see a strategy to address problems, and they act immediately when they hear any rumors.

In this organization, they do not encourage any discrimination, and in the process, they have created corporate awareness of what constitutes discrimination, and have complaint mechanism to deal with all matters pertaining discrimination. The organization has a policy of acting promptly by launching an investigation on any complains raised or any rumors on the subject. As a policy, they call upon the complainant and the accused in a meeting they discuss and complaint amicably. All their employees' safety is ingrained in their primary system and cases relating to workplace harassment; they ensure the culprits are brought to book.

Moreover, this organization has internal policies and procedures which always guide their employees. If human resource issues arise, they have predetermined domestic policies and procedures which help everyone involved in this organization. They have structured and transparent processes of resolving conflict and on a timely basis. Furthermore, they have strategies to prevent and address human rights issues.

Besides, they apply human rights principles when investigating allegations. Thus, this organization has coherent policies on dealing with, and they do not condone discriminatory acts. They swiftly act on any human right violation incidents and at the same time adhere to both the rules and regulation regarding employee complain so that no one is victimized in the process of investigation (Purce, 2014). They have guidelines for developing Human Rights Policies and procedures. Every department has a team player who is also tasked with the welfare of fellow employees and deals with any standard errors of any investigation.

Lastly, they have considerations when asking their employees to sign a release. A release is defined as a contract in which a person agrees not to make any further claims against their fellow employees. But before an employee signs a statement, they must be adequately satisfied that their concerns have been adequately addressed and amicably solved. Bottom line, they ensure that their jobs are open to all willing individuals and only employ qualified personnel. As a policy, they give priority to people with disabilities, while recruiting, all eligible but disabled persons are given the priority ahead of those individuals without disabilities.

Emerging Trends in Human Resource Management

There are many rising tendencies in HRM; however, in this organization, there were incredibly few observable up-and-coming trends in their HRM. Use of technology has been an element of these trends. Notably, this organization has utilized technology in the right way, and therefore the organization enjoys most benefits of modern technology (Chelladurai, & Kerwin, 2017). They have always prepared their staff adequately to respond to all challenges brought about by changes in technology. They have encouraged employee innovations within their respective teams.

The second emerging trend observed in this organization is employee involvement. Ideally, this organization has one of the best human resource departments. For perspective, this department has always encouraged employees to participate in goal setting, the formation of work teams and ensured all employees have the necessary essential skills and competencies needed for this dynamic environment.

Thirdly, they have always considered contingent workforce during their recruitment. The working environment is exceedingly dynamic, and only those who stand a chance to work with them must be contingent workers who are only available to work for the company in a short span of time. These people are mainly employed by the organization when the organization is dealing with some deviation in its workforce. For example, when they have received more patients or they have sent some of their employees on leave and vacations abroad. So to fill these gaps, they always encourage their human resource department to recruit people with diverse skills. Hence, this organization has moved from the past norm of pleasing the boss to employee intimacy. They make their employees welfare their paramount concern and restore all the powers to their employees. According to them, the power rest with the people

Human Capital Challenges in the 21st Century

CVS health care organization has responded well to significant challenges affecting many organizations in the 21st century. The following are some of the problems this organization has managed to overcome.

Being the employer of choice

Indeed, this organization has remained an employer of choice for many employees and other stakeholders. More so, they have used their different brands to promote their vision and mission. In the past, this function was mainly bestowed on the marketing department, but recently, the organization shifted this duty to human resource department. They have attuned to changing demographics by employing a diverse workforce that is considering diversity in their teams through the incorporation of the old and the young.

Recruiting and retaining overtime

Fundamentally, this organization has created an excellent culture of hiring already trained employees and employee them on a three-month basis. As a consequence, this has helped them avoid employee turnover which is common in many organizations.

Transformational leadership

CVS Health Care has adopted a transformational type of leadership in which, there is a chain of command and each employee knows which department to report to in case they have a problem. They have both vertical and horizontal communication channels where information can either flow from top to bottom or bottom to top.

Best Practices in Human Resource Management

Differentiate the business and aim to recruit only the best people

CSV organizations have ensured that all their recruitments are always competitive and only the best are considered for the employment purposes. Once the company has recruited, they provide that these candidates trained and empowered to become more productive while in this organization.

CSV Recruit to obtain skill and cultural fit

When this organization is conducting their interviews, they aim to dig deeper to assess the skills that are outlined in all the candidate resumes. For instance, when they are recruiting for client service role, what all the candidates have indicated in their resumes as experiences are subjected to scrutiny.

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HRM Essay Example on Employee Engagement Strategies. (2022, May 27). Retrieved from

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