Employee Recruitment Plan - HR Management Essay Sample

Published: 2022-04-20
Employee Recruitment Plan - HR Management Essay Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Management Human resources
Pages: 7
Wordcount: 1832 words
16 min read

In every organization, be it small or significant, there has to be a setup process in which the Human resource uses to recruit their new employees. This process incorporates a wide array of aspects that all aim at finally hiring the best employees for the job. Also, it is worth noting that companies have different departments with the diverse set of workers. It, therefore, means that different employees have their unique recruitment policies as they have different needs and expectations. Globally, the human resource departments in most business entities have revolutionized to meet the standards of the employee's recruitments. It is a vital process in the business world as it not only prepares a career fit individual but also protects the needs of the business. Having enough insight on the recruitment processes for the different set of workers will help us in understanding the various metrics and aspects used in the modern business world, and therefore put us at par with the set standards. Likewise, it is worth following that it may be appropriate for a company or business entity to consider the available options for recruitment such as contingent labour and outsourcing rather than just hiring of regular workers. In the modern world, the cost of selection and recruitment can be a little staggering. Therefore, the hiring of the new employees should only occur after proper consideration and only when the company anticipates a long-term need for extra labour. Careful human resource planning must consider the overall prospects of growth of the organization as well as proper forecasting of future needs for energy. The preparation for recruitment, therefore, initiates only where other options have been put into consideration and consequently eliminated. This paper will, therefore, focus on employee's recruitment development plan and what prospects it entails. In particular, it will focus on the part of talent management consultancy, as well as the modes of revolutionizing the management of talent. The company under study is Delta Airlines and its employees' recruitment plan.

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To begin with, it is essential to understand the meaning of recruitment and selection. Also defined as training, recruitment and selection are the processes that bring human resources and organizations together. This topic provides a media through which companies gain access to cable and much willing human resources, just as applicants for jobs gain access to the companies of their choice. Similarly, training sessions give room for an avenue in which these companies harness and develop talents for strategic purposes. Training also provides an avenue for enhancing capabilities and skills for individual development and growth. Both the employee and the organization as the whole benefit from his recruitment plan. As earlier mentioned in the introduction, this essay aims to explain and examine the usefulness of these processes both from the employees at Delta Airlines as well as the company itself. From the organization's point of view, selection and recruitment are crucial tools in gaining and attracting access to the best of talents available in the market. It is clear to everyone that the success and competitiveness of any business entity majorly depend on the workforce. Given this strategic goal of the employees to develop competitive advantage, companies in the modern world are not only competing regarding their products but also in the labour market. According to Bert (2010), companies have revolutionized in a manner that the human resources are now being regarded as strategic resources that are vital in developing a competitive advantage. Most organizations rely on this human resource function to do the part, and this is when selection and recruitment policies are employed.

In this case of Delta Airlines, focusing on active recruitment is essential in putting the airline on top of the map compared to the others they compete with. Being such a massive name in the airline business, having a well-set recruitment system will provide a means in which the management builds an enormous pool of qualified and talented individuals, from which they will choose the best of the best. According to Cantrell (2010), the company will be in a position to form among a rich list of selection techniques that would substantially help in strengthening the airline competitiveness in the labor market. It is crucial to note that the choice of recruitment strategies assist in determining the size, quality, and arrival of a speed of the recruits.

In Delta Airlines, the recruitment process begins with scouting fresh talents from colleges, universities and other institutions of higher learning. In most cases, individuals in this group are energetic and tend to have the vigor to work hard with the aim of achieving their wild dreams. These persons are then taken through employee's referral programs and offered on-the-job apprenticeships or training. They are also made through a series of work fairs with the aim of developing them career-wise. Secondly, the Company applies online recruitment techniques which incorporate posting job advertisement on the Airline's official website. This platform gives room for easier access to curriculum vitae databases as well as career sites. Similarly, there is the placement of links and banners online. Last but not least, the Airline focuses on formal recruitment techniques that include the recruitment of applicants from more official channels, constricting the employment process, and print promotion. From the employee's perspective, the recruitment attempts of the Delta Airline serves as an important portal through which the workforces enter the organization. For instance, the job advertisements posted online link the talented individual in the streets to the company. It is done relatively without any form of discrimination. This way, all employees in need of that job will have an equal chance of being permanently hired at Delta Airlines.

In the management of different employee talents, there needs to be some form of customization. In other words, customization transforms all aspects of the organization and is poised to revolutionize the way different organizations manage their employees. An efficient employee recruitment plan must ensure that all aspects of training are observed and that the individuals are respectively taken through a series of talent training prior fully employed. In this paper, I will try and explore the set of training the new employees at Delta Airlines are taken through in regards to talent development and nurturing. It is worth noting that most organizations, both large and small scale have long excelled by treating their clients as 'markets of one,' mainly by offering them personalized buying experience.

First, when it comes to the management of talents, most companies still use one-size-fits for Human Resource practices. The standardization of such processes has helped the Airline to achieve crucial goals and objectives which include efficiency, consistency, and fairness. Similarly, it enables the organization to gain an international view of its workforce. In other disciplines, this process is known as talent acquisition. There exist different individuals with varying talents and capabilities. As a large scale and prominent airline in the world, there needs to be the best of the best workforce to help in dealing with the multinational pool of clients. For this reason, the recruits are taken through a series or process of training and assessment through which the best are observed and consequently selected from the group. In this company, techniques such as employment background checking, interviews, and psychological tests are undertaken to provide equal chances of getting selected for the different advertised positions. The application of this formal technique and approach ensures that all the applicants are provided with equal opportunities for getting hired. All the potential candidates are taken through neither the same process of training and recruitment with no bias nor discrimination of any kind. In general, all the possible employees see the selection process as an objective and systematic way of selecting the best of the best candidates as prejudice and bias is prevented at all cost. Once the formal selection plan is absent, the privileged individuals will have the freedom to position the recruits of their choice without even considering capabilities and qualifications. However, with a formal selection process, favoring groups in the company are not in a position to interfere with the operation of selection. Eventually, candidates would feel that they were given fair chances of getting employed at Delta Airlines.

Also, the formal selection process at Delta Airlines makes room for all job applicants to build their self-esteem and confidence. The thought that they would be challenging other candidates makes all the applicants to view the assortment process as a chance to prove their skills and potentials. Throughout the selection process, all the applicants get the opportunity to prove themselves commendable of the various available positions, and this process, they tend to build their confidence and thus have a much stronger personality. For instance, in the formal interviews that take place in the organization, the individuals are given a likelihood to express their views, and perspectives and in the procedure show their message and interpersonal skills. Consequently, such experiences allow them to individually explore their potentials and abilities and at the same moment progress their confidence and self-esteem.

Looking at the recruitment process itself, the company sees it as a systematic plan that aims at developing and promoting capabilities and skills of the employees in a manner that would eventually add value to the airline. With the continuous evolution of the nature of airline business, it calls for highly competent and qualified workers. Similarly, work in this line of the profession has the over the years become demanding and requires for smarter and more talented workforce. To respond to such pressures, Delta Airlines harnesses the capabilities and skills of the employees. It is achieved through the facilitation and designing of training programmes and classes for the workers. Effective training programmes would guarantee that the airline's employees are equipped with the appropriate information and knowledge to adequately perform their tasks. Globally, well trained and recruited employees are directly related to better performances. Therefore, this issue on the recruitment of the employees should be taken with the seriousness it deserves mainly because the success of the organization depends on it. It should be noted that efficient and effective training programs would guarantee the company's employees are equipped with the necessary information and skills to help in improving the nature of the business.

The goal of recruiting new workforce is usually to improve business and improve productivity in an organization. Overall productivity and long-term success of any business can be improved by getting the best of the best of employees available in the market. By providing practical training and recruitment based on talents and skills, the employees' confidence and satisfaction are improved. Also, it tends to increase their benefits and promote a sense of belonging. Not only does this happen, but it also helps in improving the employees' commitment to Delta Airlines, a factor that will help in boosting the organization's competitiveness.

Not only will this recruitment process benefit Delta Airline, but also the employees as well. For instance, the talent recruitment plan is of benefit to the org...

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