Employee Retention Case Study

Published: 2023-12-25
Employee Retention Case Study
Type of paper:  Case study
Categories:  Employment
Pages: 4
Wordcount: 845 words
8 min read

The contemporary world is hectic, with the rising cost of living, and the requirement for job opportunity eligibility. Most individuals therefore have to find a delicate balance between family, work demands, and education. In a case analysis of Jestina King, she was doing menial jobs to support her children with low pay. Her visit to a doctor during her second child pregnancy sparkled her interest in becoming an ultrasound technician, making her enroll in a program at the College of Health Care Professions (CHCP). She later secured a job at Calvary Urgent Care as a limited medical radiologic technologist (LMRT), where she realized that through an associate’s degree in radiologic technology (RT), she could make a better salary and improve her lifestyle. However, the overwhelming responsibility of work, family, and education worried her, a concern shared by most health care students. The health care sector must address this issue, especially amid the growing shortage of workers and high employee turnovers (Gordon, 2020). The solutions that have been effected fails to achieve the desired impact, as many institutions offer just money for tuition. However, a study indicates that over 94 percent of the workers will stick to the company that invests in the employee's development (Gordon, 2020). There are various ways worker retention can be achieved, as discussed in this case study.

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One of the ways is the provision of a flexible working schedule (Lewis & Sequeira, 2012). In King's case, the company assisted her in organizing her schedule so that she could fulfill both the work and school work requirements (Gordon, 2020). A flexible working schedule enables an employee to realize that companies value their growth and development, making them want to remain at such an organization (Balaji et al., 2017).

Another strategy that can be used to retain workers is providing resources that would enable a worker to fulfill their job duties and continue their coursework or other essential responsibilities (Gordon, 2020). In King's case, the company allowed her to use the computing resources at work to attend to her online classes while at work. Thus, she could attend to emergencies at work and follow her class without moving to and from work often. Other companies have created nurseries allowing parents to bring their children to work. This strategy offers parents peace of mind, making them continue offering their services at a company.

Thirdly, organizations should offer the employee the right opportunities for upskilling. Upskilling refers to providing someone with more advanced skills through additional education and training, thus providing a win-win situation to the employee and the company (Lewis & Sequeira, 2012). This is because the employees refine their skills, and the company can gain from improved employee skills. In the case of King, Calvary Urgent Care provided her an opportunity to further her education from a technician to an associate degree holder, and her current skills are being utilized at the same institution. Through education, she was able to expand her talent while at the same time reducing the cost of hiring a graduate to handle the new role in the x-ray department (Gordon, 2020).

The last strategy is motivation and employee in-work support system when complications arise. The various support system within a work environment is essential as they motivate the employees to pursues success (Gordon, 2020). Employers can keep stock of individuals who are serious about their educational development and offer them motivating incentives such as time and help them solve the complications that arise with increased responsibilities, such as stress and lack of enough sleep (Balaji et al., 2017). The employees should be encouraged and empowered to maintain their desire to fulfill their thirst for education, Motivating the employees and ensuring that all their issues are addressed creates a positive mindset of the employee towards the management and the institutions, making them stick to the institution.

In conclusion, the contemporary world is hectic and expensive. Individuals are thus forced to continually search for opportunities that enables them to cope with the fast-moving world and the associated cost of living. One of the best methods is to acquire the necessary skill that fits the contemporary structure, as shown by Jestina King. However, as the employee seeks more education, they are forced to leave their positions to pursue more rewarding ones leading to high employee turnover. This turnover is costly to the companies, as the cost of hiring the right talent is high. Thus, companies must find ways of retaining their employees to complete their education and retain them. The proposed strategies include provisions of the required resources, working schedule flexibility, motivation, and offering them sufficient opportunities for upskilling.


Balaji, M., Kumar, A. A., & Mathimaran, K. B. (2017). Employee Retention Strategies -An Empirical Research Employee Retention Strategies -An Empirical Research. Global Journal of Management and Business Research: E-Marketing, 17(1). https://globaljournals.org/GJMBR_Volume17/3-Employee-Retention-Strategies.pdf

Gordon, J. (2020, April 13)Case Study: Solving Employee Retention Through Care. (n.d.). Training Industry. https://trainingindustry.com/articles/compliance/case-study-solving-employee-retention-through-care/

Lewis, A., & Sequeira, A. H. (2012). Effectiveness of Employee Retention Strategies in Industry. SSRN Electronic Journal. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2167719‌

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Employee Retention Case Study. (2023, Dec 25). Retrieved from http://land-repo.site.supplies/essays/employee-retention-case-study?pname=speedypaper.com

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