Employment Quotas - Free Paper Sample

Published: 2023-11-10
Employment Quotas - Free Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Employment Government
Pages: 2
Wordcount: 436 words
4 min read


Every government should have proper regulations and legislations regarding companies' and employees' rights. Notably, most legislators have spent enough effort to enhance employees' affairs' inclusivity while passing laws concerning businesses., for instance, by promoting democracy, good interaction with the workers and investing enough time to workers' opinions. Therefore, this paper seeks to discuss the concept of employment quotas and its effectiveness in improving workers' representation.

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Ensure Democracy

Every political leader or legislator should ensure democracy before the passing bills. All citizens should feel like part of the government but not as spectators. Most employees have found it challenging to give their ideas towards their nations' legislative process (Hasegawa, 2015). For instance, lousy passing of legislation like the federal job bill resulted from leaders' ignorance to include all the stakeholders (Duncanson, 2018). Democracy would boost the relationship of legislators and employees hence enhance the passing of pending bills effectively.

Political Changes

Consequently, some legislators have failed to create a good relationship with workers. Here, employees should express their opinions on whether the bills should be passed or blocked. For instance, America's printing industry played a significant role in bringing effective legislation due to a good relationship between Senator Phil Gramm and his printer friend Dickie Flat (Duncanson, 2018). Alongside this touring of employees, businesses make leaders understand the working conditions and motivate workers to elect such leaders (Hasegawa, 2015). Therefore, leaders need to build good relations with employees to enhance the passing of laws in favor of workers.

On the other hand, most employees argue that political changes are too slow, like in dead tax. Notably, some leaders spend little time to address issues raised by workers. For instance, Green printers are considered to owe a government U.S. dollar 900,000 tax for three generations after the company's founder died (Welch, 2019). However, legislators have failed to address such issues over the years. Leaders should spend their time to listen to workers complains to enhance flexibility in businesses.


In conclusion, the paper discussed the concept of employment quotas and ways to improve workers' representation. Ways to ensure adequate representation are enhancing democracy, ensuring a good relationship with workers, and spending enough time to solve factors affecting employees. Therefore, this paper recommends that all legislators consider the discussed measures to enhance workers' involvement in government policies.


Duncanson, D. (2018). North Vietnam's Strategy for Survival. International Affairs, 49(2), 299. https://doi.org/10.2307/2614094

Hasegawa, T. (2015). Equality of Opportunity or Employment Quotas?--A Comparison of Japanese and American Employment Policies for the Disabled. Social Science Japan Journal, 10(1), 41. https://doi.org/10.1093/ssjj/jym032

Welch, F. (2019). Employment quotas for minorities (p. 34). Rand.

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