Engagement in Professional Nursing - Free Paper Sample

Published: 2023-11-10
Engagement in Professional Nursing - Free Paper Sample
Type of paper:  Essay
Categories:  Healthcare Nursing leadership
Pages: 6
Wordcount: 1430 words
12 min read


Leadership can be said to be an exceptional factor in the society and professional life of an individual as it ensures that individuals are inspired to carry out essential activities in the organization. As it is defined, leadership is the approach of motivating a given number of individuals to work towards achieving a common objective or goal in an organization. It ensures that the best is produced in society (Sousa & Rocha, 2019). This essay focuses on an exceptional leader who has been inspirational to the community and ensured that the goals are achieved.

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In my opinion, I can explain that the former president of the United States, President Barack Obama, was an exceptional leader. The president showed better skills of leadership and ensured that there is peace all the time through motivating and give people what they wanted all the entire time he was in command (Iordanoglou, 2018). He is a great leader for inspiring the citizens and giving them the courage to ensure that the country is developed as they wanted. The president assured that the citizens had the energy to perform the tasks that were required and give the country the best all the time. He also built trust and confidence in the people he led, ensuring that they did not doubt him in any manner (Karagianni & Jude Montgomery, 2018).

Qualities of Leadership in Healthcare

Healthcare is an important sector as it ensures that the life of individuals is maintained, and they get the best medication. Poor leadership qualities in this sector may negatively affect patients as they may not get a chance to gain from the hospital (Karagianni & Jude Montgomery, 2018). Effective leadership in healthcare depends on three crucial leadership qualities that are communication, listening, and learning and flexibility (Aslam, 2018). These qualities ensure that patients get the best out of healthcare.


In healthcare, communication matters more than anything else. A good leader ensures that every member of the team has the required information that is vital for accomplishing the essential objectives (Fischer, 2017). An effective leader in health ensures that he or she finds a way to make his team be on the same page and understand the activities that the individual is supposed to accomplish. The leader often communicates either through the mail, note on bulletin boards, and also team meetings.

The leader encourages the members of the team also to communicate so that they are helped in a case where they are struggling to accomplish their activities. For example, the leader takes time to share with every member to understand what is happening and how they are performing their objectives (Karagianni & Jude Montgomery, 2018). The leader is also left with the best options of promoting discipline and the best practices so that patients often receive the best and are considered the essential aspects in the organization as compared to anyone else. In addition to that, the leader often shows a good command over technology that individuals encourage individuals to adhere to all the time (Sousa & Rocha, 2019). Therefore, a good leader in the healthcare sector is supposed to be an excellent communicator.

Listening and Learning

Leadership is not all about leading, but it also involves learning and listening to what the team members have to offer (Iordanoglou, 2018). However, listening can be part of communication. Still, it is vital to note that not all good communicators are good listeners, and hence a leader can be a good listener and a poor communicator. The leader always takes time to listen to the challenges that the team is undergoing and find the best solution that is lasting and can help to improve the situation. For example, a team member may be facing challenges in delivering the best medication to the patients, and he or she could need help. Through listening, the leader can find the best solution and help the other healthcare professional to come up with the best solution to the problem.

On the other hand, learning involves accepting that what one does not know and getting assistance from another person. A good leader is one who knows that his colleague or team member may have essential skills that can help him to reach her standards (Aslam, 2018). The leader often encourages his team members to give their views and what they think can help to improve essential decisions in the organization. For example, the leader is ready to involve the whole team in coming up with decisions that can help to change the healthcare setting.

Leadership Skills to Develop

As per the inventory that is provided, the two leadership skills that I want to develop are integrity and relationship building. These are essential leadership skills that I think everyone is supposed to have and embrace while a leader plays the role of a leader.


Most of the time, integrity is often referred to as honesty (Sousa & Rocha, 2019). It is often noted that great leaders are the ones that exclusively look at the result part of their activities. These leaders are said to command respect and trust as being on their priority in employees and the organization that they work for (Goldenhar, Schwatka & Johnson, 2019). Most team members may not like the leader by his look, but they trust his message and do exactly what the leader tells them. It is often noted that the message that leaders have to pass across is the most critical and valued thing when one is a leader as it ensures that individuals accomplish their goals in the organization (Osmane & Brennan, 2018).

Due to this importance of integrity as a leader, I will focus on developing this skill so that whatever individuals that I lead trust me and everything that I tell them. I should acquire this skill so that I can deliver harder truth so that I cannot alienate my team members. It is said that the leader who has honesty those not feat anything, and he is often near others telling them what they have to do, and the results are usually positive (Chen & Rybak, 2017). As a leader, I wish to avoid lies and excuses and always deliver what is needed from me and the best version of me all the time basing on integrity.


This is the second most important skill that I want to develop. Relationship building is an essential skill that I want to ensure that I possess so that I can manage others as friends and not just team members. In an organization, production is said to increase and proceed more efficiently when there is trust between team members and team members work together well with one another (Cain, Pollok, Rodriguez, Edwards & Cumpsty-Fowler, 2019). Working as friends is one of the factors that lead to cohesion and ensuring that team members care for one another as they provide that every part of the production is covered.

In an organization, it is the role of the leader to encourage a healthy working relationship among the team members, managers, customers, and the community that the business operates. It is indicated that if the employees trust each other and the company as a whole, the entire organization will benefit significantly (Da’as, 2017). I wish to be the one who can influence this change in the organization and bring about cohesion.


Aslam, M. (2018). Current trends and issues affecting academic libraries and leadership skills. Library Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/LM-10-2016-0076

Cain, C. M., Pollok, L. J., Rodriguez, M. A., Edwards, C., & Cumpsty-Fowler, C. J. (2019). Evaluation of the Texas Injury Prevention Leadership Collaborative Essential Leadership Skills Training. Texas Public Health Journal, 71(2).

Chen, M. W., & Rybak, C. (2017). Group leadership skills: Interpersonal process in group counseling and therapy. SAGE Publications.

Da’as, R. A. (2017). School principals’ leadership skills: measurement equivalence across cultures. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 47(2), 207-222.

Fischer, S. A. (2017). Developing nurses’ transformational leadership skills. Nursing Standard, 31(51).

Goldenhar, L. M., Schwatka, N., & Johnson, S. K. (2019). Leadership skills for strengthening jobsite safety climate. Journal of safety research, 70, 263-271.

Iordanoglou, D. (2018). Future trends in leadership development practices and the crucial leadership skills. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 15(2).

Karagianni, D., & Jude Montgomery, A. (2018). Developing leadership skills among adolescents and young adults: a review of leadership programmes. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 23(1), 86-98. https://doi.org/10.1080/02673843.2017.1292928

Osmane, S., & Brennan, M. (2018). Predictors of leadership skills of Pennsylvanian youth. Community Development, 49(3), 341-357.

Sousa, M. J., & Rocha, Á. (2019). Leadership styles and skills developed through game-based learning. Journal of Business Research, 94, 360-366.

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